Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I suppose I should provide a little introductory post to give you an idea of who I am and where I'm headed with this. Actually you can click my profile to learn more about me, and if you're really interested feel free to email me at ibspiccoli4life@aol.com. But I'm more interested in talking about my goals here and what I plan on doing at the Blue Voice.

This is an amazing group of people. You might disagree with us. We might even angrily disagree at times. That's ok. What I hope you will appreciate is the fact that we really care about this world we live in and we really want to make it better.

You might be wondering, "So how can a blog make the world a better place?" It can't. But we can. And this blog can serve as a medium to exchange ideas and push for action on a range of topics. The internet is filled with progressive blogs and websites, but what if you miss them? What if you just stumble upon the Blue Voice and learn something new?

The thing is our voices are not heard on mainstream media. Our concerns are not voiced. The mainstream media would like us to believe that Michael Jackson is news: he's not. We're stuck in an illegal and immoral war in Iraq that is only getting worse. Our president is hell-bent on destroying Social Security and eroding the very safety net that has helped millions of seniors live out their lives in dignity. The labor movement is stuggling against enormous forces in this country. The environmental movement is pushing hard to raise awareness on Global Warming. And we are headed toward catastrophe as we near Peak Oil. But Michael Jackson is news?

My goal here is to share ideas, links, insights into how we can start getting active and making this a better world. It might be something small like a link to your congresional representatives so you can email them. Or maybe it's a link to a worthy cause. Sometimes they will be links to events that you and I can be a part of.

What I most often see in people is a philosophy of futility. We have been convinced that we just don't matter; that we can't do anything about "it" whatever "it" might be.

But we can make a difference. Little people like you and me. If I'm sitting here by myself ranting about how president Bush should be impeached for fixing the intel to invade Iraq, I'm just a lone nut. If eight of us get together and support a cause, we become a small movement. And as our numbers grow, and our blue voices grow louder, those in power have no choice but to hear us. I believe in us. And I'm asking you to believe in us, too.

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"It is the logic of our times
No subject for immortal verse
That we who lived by honest dreams
Defend the bad against the worse."

-- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?


  • What is the Blue Voice?
  • Bruce Miller
  • Fdtate
  • Marcia Ellen (on hiatus)
  • Marigolds2
  • Neil
  • Tankwoman
  • Wonky Muse


  • Camp Change
  • Church Boycotts Democracy
  • The Changing Planet
  • Biblical Christanity 101
  • Blue's News
  • The Christian Right: Both Christian and right(wing)
  • A New Dawn
  • The Downing Street Sequel
  • Militarism and Its Consequences
  • Independent Media



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