Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Question ~What happens in America when we finally play host to a natural disaster that goes beyond playing politics for those elected to local, state and national office? How long will it take those in office to wake up to the fact that this isn't business as usual this time - that it will take actual leadership to save lives rather than pandering to lobbyists, the very rich, and the very religious? How many will die before that happens? Who will get the inevitable blame? (I can already hear Pat Robinson's and Jerry Falwell's answer to that one.)Will America's wealthy - our multi-million dollar a year sports stars, our multi-million dollar a year entertainment stars, our multi-million dollar a year corporate CEOs and executives, the leaders of our multi-million dollar a year mega churches - will these people chip in a substantial portion of their wealth to save lives and help the millions who've lost nearly everything other then the clothes off their backs? Or will it be the poor and middle class who step up as usual to silently help by giving their all to re-establish the lives of those who've had everything taken from them through no fault of their own? To the hypocrites who say people deserved what they got because they didn't get out when they could - what about those in hospitals who couldn't move? What about the homeless who couldn't move? What about the babies and the children who couldn't move? What about those who just flat out couldn't afford to leave because they had no means of leaving? How about those who tried to leave but were left on the roadway because people wouldn't offer them a ride? You fat cats who have never suffered a day of "need" in your lives deserve to have everything taken from you and given to those who you condemn as deserving their fate. If there is such a thing as karma, your future lives are sealed by the blasphemy coming out of your own mouths at a time like this. I don't know if what's happening along the Gulf Coast is that ultra natural disaster or not. But I do know it will take America to get beyond politics as usual to straighten this one out. We are finally being tested as a people and as a nation. I hope we will not be found wanting. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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