Monday, September 05, 2005

Cross Your Eyes, Folks, He's Done It Again!

In a week where President Bush has out My Little Goated his past performance during a critical period of American history, he has added the capstone to the Great Pyramid of ineptitude that is the Bush White House.

Stop and ask yourself, if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court passed away during your abject bungling of a natural disaster to such a monumental degree that national and world leaders are ashamed to call the United States a world power, what would you do?

How about appointing a man to fill the Chief Justice opening who hasn't sat on the Court for so much as one day? No, make that one second. You could appoint, say, Judge John G. Roberts, Jr. Can you even imagine the nonsensical appointment of someone with so little actual judiciary experience that it's almost impossible to tell what kind of judge this man has been, let alone what kind of Supreme Court Justice he is likely to be?

The truth is, once again Bush's unyielding politics of division has painted him into a pathetic political corner. He knows that no one in their right mind would accept Scalia or Thomas as Chief Justice. America as we know it would cease to exist. We'd become a nation of laws that would make the Taliban look like Charlie Brown's gang. And Stephens, a Ford nominee who will preside until a new Chief Justice is confirmed, is too moderate in Bush's mind to handle the top job. His base wouldn't like it and he just can't let down those pseudo-religious minions who put him into office, not even for the good of America.

The same could be said for Justices Kennedy, Ginsburg and Breyer. Too liberal, too middle of the road, too many problems with the people who want to turn America into a theocracy. And asking Sandra Day O'Connor to stay the course is out of the question for a number of reasons, her pending resignation being only one.

So with no one on the present court likely to satisfy both his base and the Democrats, Bush has no other choice than to make himself look totally ridiculous by appointing Judge Roberts to the position. Our president has never shirked taking the bull by the horns under those circumstances. So how can we be surprised when he makes the wrong choice at the worst time? How often does he have to do it until we expect it from him?

So now the same Bush administration that has consistently and irrevocably lied to the American public about Iraq; the same administration that through indecision and inaction has the blood of Katrina's victims still damp on their hands; the same administration that will continue to give tax breaks to the rich while paying for it through massive cuts in programs desperately needed by the poor; this administration will now attempt to prove to the American people that a man with absolutely NO Supreme Court judicial experience and only MINIMAL experience as a judge, should be appointed to the top Supreme Court position in this country - a position he will hold for possibly the next 30 years. A man with almost no judicial credits to recommend him - only the recommendation of the most politically divisive president since Johnson running the most secretive administration since Nixon. One wonders what we DON'T know about John Roberts?

I have to admit - I honestly thought your ineptitude in handling the aftermath of Katrina couldn't be topped, Mr. President. It only took you a week to prove me wrong. I stand in awe.

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