Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Would the Bush Administration Nuke Iran? Si Se Puede

In a sensible media world, Gene Lyons would be one of the top Big Pundits in the country and David Broder would be a barely-remembered name of decades past. But, obviously, that's not the reality in which we are based.

Lyons picks up on the Seymour Hersh article about attacking Iran, and he notes that for the Bush-Rove Republicans, the Timing is Right Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 04/12/06. He writes:

Here we go again. With a congressional election looming in November, President Bush’s support continues to erode. Fully 47 percent in a recent Washington Post/ABC poll say they “strongly disapprove” of his leadership. Even the White House’s warmest supporters concede that Democrats stand an excellent chance of regaining the majority in the House and/or Senate. With the majority comes subpoena power. So it must be time for a nuclear war scare.
Yes, the Christian Right Republican Party really is that cynical and reckless. Si se puede. As Lyons puts it:

Presumably caught off-guard by what appear to be tactical leaks by opponents of this insane scheme, Bush characterized them as "wild speculation."

Maybe so. On the other hand, underestimating this administration’s ruthlessness and dishonesty is always a mistake. Every time the Bush White House has found itself in a bind since 9/11, it has evoked fear of Islamic terrorism. (my emphasis)
No, Gene Lyons doesn't stick to the requisite Big Pundit script. In a "press corps" where the Washington Post and their editor Fred Hiatt bending over backwards to still defend the integrity of the Bush administration, Lyons is way off script.

Lyons suggest that one way advocates of restraint could make their case to the public is to start calling Iran "Persia" to distinguish it from Iraq and remind people that it's much bigger than Iraq.

And he concludes as follows, endorsing the notion that Hersh's sources were people trying to block the Iran hawks from winning the battle for American policy in the near term:

Remind voters that the two nations [Iran and Iraq] fought a bloody war in the 1980 s, prompted by Iraqi aggression, and add that Persia is somewhere between three and five times larger than Iraq - depending on whether you’re talking about population or land area - and has far more difficult terrain and a more unified, nationalistic population, and American enthusiasm for fighting an unnecessary "pre-emptive" war there would likely diminish fast.

It's for all of those reasons and more that Hersh's sources appear to have begun a pre-emptive leaking campaign of their own against the neo-conservatives. Threatening Iran with nuclear weapons isn't a sign of strength, but a confession of weakness. As the single greatest strategic beneficiary of the U. S. occupation of Iraq, the Persians have been indulging in foolhardy bluster of their own. The recently elected Ahmadinejad, however, holds office at the sufferance of the ayatollahs, who wield the real power. Although dogmatic and authoritarian, they also have tended to be cautious. Persians want nuclear weapons because Israel and Pakistan already have them; also because they've noticed that nuclear-armed countries don’t get invaded. Above all, they want assurances that won't happen. For now, we must all pray that crackpots in both countries can be restrained. (my emphasis)
I'll say "Amen" to that!

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