Friday, October 06, 2006
A Giant Fart JokeWe like to get a little looser on the weekends here at The Blue Voice, and I've run into a couple of very loose items recently in my internet wanderings. I'm only going to link you to Mark Morford's My Secret IMs With 'The Cowboy' - In the wake of the Foley sex scandal, Mark Morford reveals his chat with a "special" GOP friend, and you can decide whether to read it or not. I'm almost embarrassed to say that I found it funny. But I often feel that way about Mark. He's so outrageous and apparently completely unfettered by either editorial or personal restraints, he travels where the rest of us only go with our closest friends or absolutely alone. The other item that I've been contemplating passing along (pun intended), and have now decided that it's a yes, is Timothy Noah's delicious essay from Slate, Bush's Fart-Joke Legacy; It Didn't Start with Dubya. While I'm less than thrilled to know that the Leader of the Free World still enjoys the sort of amusement that my stepsons abandoned somewhere towards the end of their high-school years (or perhaps not, I don't really know, do I? - maybe at that point it just was confined to locker rooms and bachelor parties, and I was no longer subjected to it at the dinner table), this is a very funny piece of writing. Bob Woodward reports in his new book, State of Denial, that President Bush loves to swap fart jokes with Karl Rove. Before a morning senior staff meeting in 2005, Woodward reports, Bush schemed to have Rove sit in a chair that triggered some sort of high-tech whoopee cushion activated by remote control. The prank was postponed in deference to news of the al-Qaida bombings in London. When the gag was carried out two weeks later, the room erupted in riotous laughter while Rove hunted down the culprit.I do hope you'll enjoy this historical romp through the Bush family's fondness for, among other things, "flatulation devices" and whoopee cushions. It's almost impossible for anything to make me feel worse about the guy Noah calls The First Fratboy, but these revelations may have done it. Tags: bush family, cowboy, fart jokes, morford, noah, slate | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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