Thursday, January 31, 2008
Defending the Big DogMaybe I was on vacation at the moment when Democrats decided to turn against Bill Clinton? Was I working overtime? In a coma? I'm not sure I had a vote in the decision to spurn Bill Clinton, and I have to say, I'm a little surprised to hear liberals trashing the only Democrat to have had two terms in the White House since....hmmnnn...Truman? Wow. That was a really long time ago.Okay, we were all sick of him after having to listen to people like Chris Matthews and Rush Limbaugh talk about things that should only be spoken of in people's bedrooms, or maybe the men's locker room. And the trash talk seemed to go on for years. Even Barbara Walters and Cokie Roberts were talking about Bill Clinton's body fluids, and I don't know about you, but to me, it was like listening to my Mother reading the Forum in Penthouse Magazine aloud. EEEUUUWWW!! In 1999, we were all sick of Bill Clinton, but we were all making money, we were not at war, there were less Americans below the poverty line, and the middle class was secure. I remember sitting in my apartment in 1992, on the night that Bill Clinton won the Presidency, popping a bottle of dry Brut and toasting to the end of 12 years of Republicans. Most likely, these young Democrats who call Bill Clinton a racist don't remember the Reagan and Bush years. Maybe they don't remember the two Superpowers, the cold war, and the escalation of the nuclear race. Maybe they were in kinder care when the AIDS epidemic was killing young men, and our Republican President never once addressed the issue in 8 years in office. They don't remember The Quilt, all of those names of Americans who died, and seeing Bill and Hillary Clinton walk in the middle of the dead, the first President to have the courage to support the gay community. How can you forget the Republican backlash in 94, and the hostility that Bill Clinton faced from those rising Republican thugs, Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay, and John Boehner? And yet Bill Clinton was able to function effectively, and win re-election. As much as I hope for change in the future, I am a pragmatist. I know that while all of these young Democrats are singing Kumbaya and dreaming of some Utopia that they think is just around the corner, in order to build Camelot, before the foundation of this new American dream is poured, we have to actually win the election. I have lived through the reality. And here's the thing young Democrat boys and girls. Those who forget our history are doomed to repeat it. If you think we can win in November by playing kissy face and saying yes we can!, while the Republicans are gassing up the Swift boats and going for our throats, well, I just want to remind you that Bill Clinton has already fought and won against these people, and we might desperately need his help after the primaries are over, and reality re-asserts itself. Don't diss the big dog, he knows how to win. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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