Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Baseball in FebruaryI'm wishing for summer as much as anyone else I guess. Winter is not my favorite season, I dislike being cold and unable to exercise. I get kind of sleepy and fat in February, it's too difficult to do anything outdoors. I like cooking, having the oven going in the evening makes my cold and drafty house almost comfortable, and well...once the food is cooked, isn't it a sin to let it go to waste? So I spend the winter cooking and eating, and staying warm with an extra protective layer around my mid-section. And every spring, I try the latest and greatest fad diet. I eat disgusting things like seaweed and Tofu, and drink green tea until I get the shakes, and finally, I just say "F- it, Someone Get ME A CHEESEBURGER!", and buy a larger pair of sweats and some baggy shirts.Congress is taking up the issue of baseball in the middle of winter. I'm not a huge fan of baseball, unless the Cubs have pulled off a miracle and gotten into the playoffs. I get the steroids thing, they are dangerous, and they set a bad example for young people. But I don't get the whole Roger Clements thing, like why our elected officials should be taking so much of their very expensive time trying to determine whether or not he lied about taking steroids. Is it the steroid usage that is driving this? Why not just pass a law to make steroids illegal, and then arrest the guys when they take them? Is it the lying that bothers Congress? If it is the un-truths told to law-makers, I can think of some pretty big whoppers that have been told in the last 7 years, and not by some guy who plays a game for a living, but by men and women who are sworn to uphold the Constitution. In the last 7 years, I have seen the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General state some pretty amazing things, that all turned out to be false. These false statements led us to war, led us into a national debate about torture and when it was appropriate, these warped interpretations of Presidential power led to the legal(?) wiretapping of American citizens. Maybe Henry Waxman is dreaming of summer, of hot dogs and peanuts. Or maybe he is banging his gavel at an aging baseball player because that's the only thing he can do. If the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman can't reform the government, then there is always baseball. Lie about steroids, and you will surely go to jail. Lie about war, and you will get a Presidential Library and a comfortable retirement on a ranch in Texas. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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