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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Change for the WorseIt was kind of nice to have DC to myself for nearly the whole month of August, it was certainly nice not to have Congress around causing all sorts of problems for our tiny community. But now that these freaks are back in town, they are hard at work. It's not like they're trying to shore up the financial system, they probably already know that the economy is bound for the crapper, and anything they might do, just as anything they already have done is just going to make it worse. They can't do anything about the war, they can't do anything about inflation, they can't stop hurricanes from devestating Texas, so they are working hard to make sure that citizens in my little part of the world have full access to all of our constitutional rights, well maybe not all of them, but certainly our right to bear arms. And not just those hunting rifles that Republicans are so crazy about, semi-automatic assault weapons, (because those deer and moose in DC run pretty fast). The Republicans pushing for more guns in the nation's capital also believe that it isn't necessary to register these weapons with the police, and that the citizens of DC should also be allowed to carry loaded weapons around town, and in their homes.I'm pretty sure that there aren't any terrorists in the District of Columbia, but if there were, these laws would be extremely helpful to them. Most people who live in my neighborhood don't want guns, they have kids, or enough money in the bank to be able to buy food at the grocery store, so there is no need to kill the five deer in the city. The people who want guns in DC already have them. In fact, there is no place to buy a gun in DC, there is only one gun seller in the whole city, and his license to sell firearms has expired. If you want a gun in Washington, you don't go to a gun shop to buy it, you find a "guy" who can get you one. Or you drive 5 miles to Virginia, where guns are sold everywhere. Or even better, take the hour drive to West Virginia, and stop at the gas station where you can buy gas for under $4 dollars, a cheeseburger with fries, and a handgun all at the same place. One stop shopping. And if you have an uncontrollable urge for fresh venison, there are tons of deer in West Virginia. Just roll down the passenger side window, aim and shoot. I wish Congress would find some work to do, but it's an election year, and the change that everyone is calling for will not take place until all of our lawmakers have secured their seats in the Capital. Citizens of DC will have to wait until next year for economic and politcal change, as will the rest of the country. But in the meantime we can buy an Uzi. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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