Sunday, January 25, 2009

Post Partisan? Not Bloody Likely!

"On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics."

-- President Barack Obama - from his first Inaugural Address

Some people haven't gotten the memo yet. One of the problems I have with Obama is his naivety about partisanship; that it's suddenly going to go away and he's going to be able to work constructively with everyone. I'm afraid that extending a hand in friendship to some on the right may result in having to be treated for rabies. With the country in such dire straits, statements such as Rush Limbaugh's "I hope he fails" sound particularly obtuse. Is he content to continue to watch the country circle the toilet for another four years just to make a political point or two.

Meanwhile, over at Moonbat Central, an "exclusive commentary" puts Obama squarely on the side of evil. An exaggeration?

Many a coward has been bolstered in his conviction against challenging tyranny by not reading too deeply into the Scriptures. Yet, nowhere does the Bible ever suggest evil rulers are to be obeyed. When the rule of men conflicts with the commands of God, the Bible leaves no doubt about where we should stand.

That's why I do not hesitate today in calling on godly Americans to pray that Barack Hussein Obama fail in his efforts to change our country from one anchored on self-governance and constitutional republicanism to one based on the raw and unlimited power of the central state.

It would be folly to pray for his success in such an evil campaign.

I want Obama to fail because his agenda is 100 percent at odds with God's. Pretending it is not simply makes a mockery of God's straightforward Commandments.

So you will not see me joining in the ritual of affirming Obama and his mission in public or private prayer this week – or any other week.

Fox News is leading the hackery. The Daily Show segment below aired on Thursday, which means that most of the Fox ravings collected took place on Wednesday, the first full day of Obama's presidency. Day One! No honeymoon here...

posted at 5:29:00 AM by fdtate

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"It is the logic of our times
No subject for immortal verse
That we who lived by honest dreams
Defend the bad against the worse."

-- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?


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