Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rupert Murdoch's troubles

The legal meltdown of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation in Britain is an important story, not least because News Corp owns FOX News, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.

David Carr gives a glimpse of the company's shady reputation in Troubles That Money Can't Dispel New York Times 07/17/2011.

Gene Lyons gives an overview of the sinister criminal business enterprise that News Corp is in Finally, Rupert Murdoch gets his due Salon 07/13/2011.

British justice is after News Corp and the police and politicians they corrupted:

Amelia Hill, Police examine bag found in bin near Rebekah Brooks's home Guardian 07/18/2011; Amelia Hill et al, News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead Guardian 07/18/2011;

Reporter Robert Fisk explains his exit from Murdoch's Times of London in Why I had to leave The Times Independent 07/11/2011. he writes:

These past two weeks, I have been thinking of what it was like to work for Murdoch, what was wrong about it, about the use of power by proxy. For Murdoch could never be blamed. Murdoch was more caliph than ever, no more responsible for an editorial or a "news" story than a president of Syria is for a massacre – the latter would be carried out on the orders of governors who could always be tried or sacked or sent off as adviser to a prime minister – and the leader would invariably anoint his son as his successor. Think of Hafez and Bashar Assad or Hosni and Gamal Mubarak or Rupert and James. In the Middle East, Arab journalists knew what their masters wanted, and helped to create a journalistic desert without the water of freedom, an utterly skewed version of reality. So, too, within the Murdoch empire.

In the sterile world of the Murdochs, new technology was used to deprive the people of their freedom of speech and privacy.
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