Monday, November 21, 2011
Occupying popular cultureI first heard this song by Hawaiian folk singer Makana on the Argentine news report that I included in my last post. (Yes, there are some good things about globalization!) The song, "We Are The Many," is a tad on the corny side, but what the heck. I like it anyway. It captures the "democratic moment" of the Occupy movement. The historical photos are great, too. (Correct video now posted.)I kind of like the little "postmodern" touch about "gaze." What I didn't realize until I had listened to it several times was that he performed it at the recent APEC conference where President Obama and other senior political administrators of the 1% gathered to plan more free-trade agreements to impoverish the workers - and to have a good time and expensive food, of course! He talks about it here: He says he played the song for 45 minutes, which makes you wonder: did it not occur to anyone there that he was trashing the audience? It certainly creates a wonderful image of cluelessness if that's the case. Did they just think it was too harmless to worry about? Did they worry about making him look like a martyr by dragging him off the stage? The one-percenters generally haven't been displaying that level of subtlety about such things lately, though. And what did they make of his "Occupy With Aloha" t-shirt? My fantasy is that Rush Limbaugh will get wind of this and do a hate-spewing rant against Makana which would make him nationally famous. Then FOX News can accuse him of being a hypocrite because he's successful! If the APEC types are that clueless about their musical entertainment, I would highly recommend they invite Nina Hagen to perform at their next meeting: While we're on the topic of Occupy songs, here's a rap one from Pittsburg rapper Jasiri X: Jasiri X Performs 'Occupy (We are the 99)' The Alyona Show YouTube date 11/15/2011: Jasiri X attracted attention for one of his earlier topical songs, What if the Tea Party was Black? YouTube date 11/14/2010: Tags: jasiri x, makana, nina hagen, occupy movement | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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