Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Christian ministerial advice on killin' Afghans and the Kandahar massacreSeveral days ago, I commented in a couple of different posts about post the Southern Baptist minister Rev. Wade Burleson, made at his self-named blog, one praising some Christian Right minister for scolding Obama and The Call's National Prayer Breakfast over not opposing abortion rights. The other was a rant about how outraged he was at Obama's apology for Qur'an burnings in Afghanistan. And in that latter one, he had some suggestions for counterinsurgency policy in Afghanistan (The Absolute Absurdity of Apologizing for Burning the Koran 02/27/2012). I'm going to quote it at some length here, because it came to mind as I though about the Kandahar massacre at least one American soldier carried out this past weekend. The emphases are his.When dealing with religious fanatics who believe murder is an appropriate response for the burning of their religious material--ONE SHOULD NEVER APOLOGIZE.Presumably the Rev. Burleson is outraged at President Obama for expressing regret over the Kandahar massacre, because, as he says, when dealing with those barbaric Muslim fanatics "ONE SHOULD NEVER APOLOGIZE". I posted the following comment Tuesday at Rev. Burleson's sanguinary post. He has comment moderation, so I'm curious to see if he will let it post there: It seems that at least one American soldier in Kandahar this past weekend decided to deliver the kind of terror you recommended in this post. From what we know so far, it looks like he decided he wanted to go kill him some of them barbaric Muslim Afghans. So he just went to a few houses and killt him some men, killt him some wimmin, and killt him some of them thar terrorist children. I haven't seen a report on whether any of those precious unborn babies were killed in his nighttime rampage.I'll be even more surprised if he has anything but weasel words to say about what responsibility good Christian white folks screaming for more blood might have on some brain-damaged soldier who gets liquored up and decides to go kill people just for the hell of it. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of warmongering Christian ministers, I'm sick of the Pentagon's lying propaganda about its wars, I'm sick of them dealing with massacres by American soldiers with a slap on the wrist, I'm sick of the gutless and irresponsible politicians in both parties who are unwilling to deal straightforwardly with what is obvious a far bigger problem in the killing fields of Afghanistan. By the way, I didn't even bother to check whether the pastor lusting for more Muslim blood was even remotely accurate in his account of the incidents he claims happened in the Philippine War. It reads like something cracker militarists would e-mail around to each other. There's no doubt that mass killings of civilians were part of what the American colonial forces there did. The good Reverend obviously didn't care either: his point was about killin' more of them thar Afghan Muslims. Our gubment "bears a sword of vengeance, and it should be used," Rev. Burleson said. Obviously the American mass murderer(s) in Kandahar agreed. Some press accounts related to the killings that the Rev. Burleson hoped to see the American "sword of vengeance" inflict: Jon Stephenson, Insurgents attack Afghan delegation near massacre site McClatchy Newspapers 03/13/2012 Jon Stephenson and Ali Safi, U.S. soldier kills 16 Afghan civilians in unprovoked attack McClatchy Newspapers 03/13/2012 Jim Lobe, More Bad News on the Afghan Front Inter Press Service 03/12/2012 Tags: afghanistan war, kandahar massacre, wade burleson | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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