Thursday, June 16, 2005
A New Conspiracy TheoryAmerica loves conspiracy theories. Did Roosevelt know about Pearl Harbor before the attack but allowed it to happen in order to drive America into WWII as active participants? Did the Vice President of the United States along with the CIA have something to do with the death of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963? Was the Watergate scandal blown out of all proportion in order to force the resignation of President Richard Nixon? Was the British Government somehow involved with the death of Princess Di? Part of the reason Americans grab at conspiracy theories is we've learned over the past 75 years that it's difficult at best to trust the things our government tells us.Considering the duplicity of our government today, I'm sure many people will jump on the bandwagon with this and it might even go down in history along with the other conspiracy theories mentioned above. I, for one, have difficulty believing this, however. In fact, what seems more reasonable to me is that all this has been planted on the Web to stir up the crazies in order to cover up the REAL conspiracy the Downing Street Memos are beginning to uncover. The thing with conspiracy theories is they're like myths. There's enough real facts basted into the story that they sound not only possible, but probable. However there's rarely a smoking gun - real hard facts that support the theorists claims. I don't like the Bush administration. They've given Americans good reason to believe little of what they say. But I can't for the life of me believe that any sitting American President could agree to spend the lives of 3,000 American citizens to start a personal war. Yes, I know that nearly 2,000 American lives have been spent since the war started, with many more deaths coming in the future. But that didn't happen in the course of one day. The Downing Street Memos prove that Bush played loose with intelligence to get the war he wanted. That right there should be enough to impeach the man. Let's stick to the real facts in this situation. There's no need to go out on a limb making unsubstantiated claims of an even larger conspiracy that makes us look as whacko as a right wing Republicans. Let them ramble on about WMD and the like. Little by little the truth is coming out. Mayhaps it will finally end this fiasco and get our troops home before the death toll in Iraq inches toward 3,000. We don't need wild conspiracy theories to get Mr. Bush out of office. He's giving us all we need. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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