Friday, July 01, 2005
Consequences America Will Suffer If Gay Marriage Is LegalizedWith the news from Canada and Spain it didn't take long for the right wing Xtians (The term Xtian is offensive to me too, but I refuse to refer to these people as Christians anymore because they are NOT, so if you're a real Christian don't get angry with me for differentiating them from you.) to swing into gear. Guy Adams, who works in law enforcement and as a teacher and mentor for a Xtian drug rehab center in Illinois, wrote an OpEd piece for ReNewAmerica yesterday titled Gay Marriage In America -- is it wise? Now, ReNewAmerica is an off the wall right wing Web site that joins Jebo Bush, and Mark Fuhrman in continuing to pursue the Terri Schiavo case - refusing to believe Terri's death was not some deviant plot by her hubby to kill her. You may wonder why I am even bothering to reply to an article written by one of its so-called columnists, but I figure Adams' remarks are pretty much in line with what hard line Xtians have to say about Gay Marriage so it makes sense to respond to it, pathetic as it is.Adams opens with the only true statement in the entire article. "Gay marriage is NOT a Republican or Democratic issue. It is your issue." Well put, Guy!! Unfortunately he follows that sound wisdom by claiming gay marriage isn't a civil rights issue because everyone knows the civil rights struggle was about race. I suppose no other issue has ever been, nor will ever be a civil rights issue other than the black struggle for equality? This is the kind of common sense he uses throughout. He ends his opening with another beaut. After comparing allowing gay marriage to allowing people to drive drunk he makes this totally absurd analogy: "Outlawing gay marriage is no more discriminatory than it is to forbid children to vote." Remember, this is a 50 year old man who is in charge of rehabbing drug addicts. As you read on, Adams starts into the meat. "If gay marriage is legalized, everything associated with traditional values will change, and it will be near impossible to reverse." How's that for a Chicken Little prophecy? It was all I could do to keep my lunch down. But this was only the beginning. Adams now gives us a list of what will occur should gay marriage become legal in America. 1. Many young people will become hopelessly confused about their sexuality (as if they're not confused enough already). Pardon me for pointing this out, but it isn't the young who are confused, it's obviously right wing Xtians who hold the record for confusion. They don't want sex education taught in schools. They want children only taught to abstain from sex. Yet with the rest of society promoting sex like gangbusters they're willing to allow their kids (and your kids) be open to misinformation and misunderstanding of anything having to do with sex. Just because they are unintelligent and believe lies concerning sex they feel children will do just fine with the same lack of knowledge on the subject as they have. Part of the reason for this country having an over 50% divorce rate is couples don't know how to have a sexual relationship. They're too concerned that they might see Janet Jackson's boob on TV. Of course, they'll sit at their computer and search every inch of Google to find a replay that doesn't blur out the good spot though, so they can condemn it. 2. The feminization of men and the coarsening of women will grow as traditionally accepted concepts of sexual behavior and family roles blend. I had tears rolling down my face I was laughing so hard at this puppy. Let's grab every stereotype about gays we can and stick 'em in here. Adams' knowledge of gays and lesbians is nil. How many millions of feminized men and coarse women are heterosexual?? Geeze Louise!! 3. Traditional concepts regarding lifelong commitments between a man and a woman and the strength of the traditional family will quickly and permanently erode. Two-thousand years of traditional values will be reversed within a generation. This is a prime example of stoking the fear fires. There is not one SHREAD of evidence to back this up anywhere!! It's utter nonsense. Massachusetts has had gay marriage over a year and it still have the lowest divorce rate of any state in the nation. And WAY lower than the red states which are all well above the national average. 4. Textbooks in grammar schools and high schools will be required to teach this unnatural 'marriage' arrangement as being normal and legal. If a church run school receives state aid, it too will be required to present gay marriage as normal. At the very least, it will be legally prevented from preaching against it. Imagine that - Bible teachings being outlawed in the same country where our Declaration of Independence says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights." First off, there are no rules, nor will there be any rules as to how marriage is presented in children's text books. Obviously Mr. Adams DOESN'T believe that ALL men are created EQUAL. Some are created as an abomination while others are God's children by his way of thinking. Odd he would chose that particular phrase to try and make a warped point. Can you think of one law that prohibits ministers from preaching whatever they want to in this country other than using the pulpit for political purposes? Our freedom of speech goes way beyond that. 5. The medical and insurance industries will be overwhelmed, as hundreds of thousands of new people are added to the traditional list of beneficiaries. The cost of giving care to legions of new beneficiaries (many with HIV & AIDS) will cause many companies to curtail health benefits or force you to bear the bulk of the premium. The cost of your medical care will skyrocket. This one stumped me. I guess rich heterosexuals will have to pay more because they're the only ones with health insurance in this country. Do I have to remind Mr. Adams that HIV is being spread more by heterosexuals than homosexuals these days? If Jimmy Swaggert and others of his ilk weren't out there popping prostitutes mayhaps this menace wouldn't be spreading. And if BuschCo would get off his heterosexual arse and commit funding to ending the problem with a cure, mayhaps people wouldn't be endangered by it at all. Besides, would you mind telling me how committed married gays will spread Aids? I think we know more about the problem than Mr. Adams. 6. Television shows will include all manner of gay related themes beyond what is already being shown. It will be much worse and more graphic and it will be shown in primetime. Yeah sure. It's the Playboy Channel that will go primetime way before any graphic gay TV show would ever show up there...UNLESS the corporate mogals that run TV decide that it's what the vast ocean of heterosexual viewers want to watch. And you can't blame gays for that. Blame the same heterosexuals that have made the Internet a billion dollar a year porn industry. 7. It will be impossible to insulate your children from the gay lifestyle since they will be inundated by the supposed normality of gay marriage and gay 'values' everywhere, and the full force of law will protect it all. I have news for Mr. Adams. Children aren't isolated from it now. They know who's got two mommies or two daddies in their neighborhood. And they see the "lifestyle" they lead. You know - going to work, getting the mail, going shopping, playing lawn darts and badmitten in the back yard during cookouts, going bowling, taking in a play or going to a movie, watching TV, doing homework, washing clothes, doing dishes, cleaning the house. You know - the gay lifestyle. Kids are already aware of the hypocrisy of using the term "lifestyle" to condemn what goes on in the privacy of a gay couple's bedroom. And gay values like "freedom" and "equality for all" are surely things we don't want children learning are they? 8. Laws will be passed requiring foster parents to undergo "tolerance" training - they will also be forbidden to teach against gay marriage, as is currently the legal requirement in California for all new foster parents. Yeah, I can see this happening. Tolerance being such a BAD thing. Odd that in America "tolerance" had to become mandated by law in the workplace, in schools, and in the community. Geeze, what's a bigot to do?? 9. Foster kids will be required to be placed in gay marriage homes because the law will recognize gay marriage as legal and normal. A foster kid may have two fathers. Can two gay fathers identify with - and adequately help - a young girl cope with her first period? Probably as well as heterosexual mothers that are too scared to mention the fact that their daughter will have a period until the blood runs down her leg in school and she flips out thinking she's dying. Obviously Mr. Adams wouldn't be able to help his daughter get through her first period so he projects his ignorance onto gay fathers. There won't be any laws requiring foster kids to be placed in any type of home. It will be as it is - if a family applies, that family will be considered, gay or straight. Sexual orientation has proven to be no problem in fostering. At least the children will be loved and know the foster parents aren't doing it just for the money as many straight couples are. 10. New hate speech laws will be drafted. It will be ILLEGAL to preach homosexuality and gay marriage as being against God's Law. A conversation at the water cooler can turn you into a convicted felon. This is reality in Massachusetts and it is on the way to becoming reality in America, with Illinois on the fast-track. Really? This is happening in Massachusetts as we speak, you say?? How many people have been pulled out of their office and convicted of a felony for discussing the Massachusetts marriage law? Can Mr. Adams name one?? Of course not. None of this will happen, but if people are preaching HATE from the pulpit, it's obviously NOT a Christian church. White supremacy groups, neo-Nazis, and other hate organizations aren't allowed to scream their bigotry to the masses either. Is Mr. Adams suggesting that hate should be considered free speech? 11. With the keystones of abortion and gay marriage legalized, thereby cheapening life and commitment, it opens the door to almost anything else, no matter how vile or unnatural. Umm, how will allowing gays to commit to monogamous marriage cheapen life and lesson commitment? How could it possible lesson commitment any more than commitment already is lessoned? What's the divorce rate in red states again?? And the slippery slope argument is so childish that it isn't even being brought up any longer except by people like Mr. Adams, who is giving us all a new lesson in the meaning of the words "vile" and "unnatural." Then Mr. Adams goes on a rant about European countries adopting gay marriage because America has let them down morally. Indeed we have. We attack other countries without a compelling reason. We submit people to torture and mockery and ignore the Geneva Convention. We talk about freedom and equality while trying desperately to keep blacks in their place, while stifling the education of the middle class, while proposing Constitutional laws to keep a segment of Americans in their place as second class citizens. It took Spain to show us what the words "freedom" and "equality" mean. We Americans certainly should be ashamed of ourselves. Then this man has the unmitigated gull to say that he's "not suggesting that we strip homosexuals of their constitutional rights or that we humiliate or degrade them." Who's he kidding? Saying that society will fall apart unleashing all manner of vile and unnatural acts if marriage is made legal for myself and the person I love is not degrading to me?? Finally, he sums up by stating that allowing gays and lesbians to marry is "unwise." Without coming close to proving it unwise, he contends that it is and therefor, why legalize it? I guess we're to take his word for it. The article written by Mr. Guy Adams is one of the worst critiques on gay marriage I've seen in a long time. Unfortunately, I'm sure I'll see others like it again. And the authors will sound just as foolish as Mr. Adams does. Think, people, think. | +Save/Share | | |
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