Monday, July 18, 2005
Happy 100 IWWThe Industrial Workers of the World better known as the Wobblies turn 100 this year. Big Bill Haywood opened up the convention with the following words:"Fellow workers...this is the Continental Congress of the working class. We are here to confederate the workers of this country into a working class movement that shall have for its purpose the emancipation of the working class from the slave bondage of capitalism". This was the union movement of the people. Unlike the AFL which was very exclusionary in its membership, the Wobblies were all inclusive, seeking all workers to organize together into one large union. It didn't make sense then, and it doesn't make sense now to have workers split up into so many different unions. This is evident in the current strife in the AFL-CIO membership. It wasn't that long ago that the UBC (the union I belong to) left that AFL-CIO and now more unions are threatening to leave. The following from the IWW web page sums it up quite well: Nicknamed the Wobblies, the IWW sought to recruit unskilled and exploited immigrants, people of color, women and migrant farm workers who were excluded from craft unions of skilled Anarchist in structure and ideology the Wobblies believe an organized work force would render the state obsolete. They were always a thorn in the side of the business unions, like the AFL, because they completely rejected the capitalist ideology. On the one hand we had the business unions which essentially sought to counter capitalist power through a monopoly in labor. The average worker as only marginally better off under the union bosses who were often just as exploititive as their capitalist slave masters. On the other hand, we had the Wobblies a radical union aimed at organizing all workers under one large umbrella and abolishing the wage system. Murdered, beaten, silenced, and ignored, they have struggled on now for a century fighting for working people everywhere. There is a traveling Wobblies exhibition. Check the website for more information. You can also find a lot of great information on organizing and what the Wobblies are all about. Less than 8% of American workers are organized right now according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If we include public employees that number jumps to about 12%. Dismal numbers to say the least. And the results are evident to anybody paying attention: stagnating and declining wages, worsening job conditions, and more and more work for less and less pay. If there is one great cause you can support it is the IWW. Happy Birthday Wobblies! | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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