Thursday, July 21, 2005
Under the Noise is TruthIf you turn the volume down on all of the talk and speculation about Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame, and Karl Rove, what you are left with is the Niger document. I've read some pieces in the last few days that shed new light on this document and how it enabled our country to commit an illegal and immoral act, and a crime that is far more serious that the outing of an American operative. If you think about it, we have settled for the prosecution of a petty crime, when we should be prosecuting war crimes in the highest levels of the American and British governments. You can argue until you're blue in the face about how great Iraq is now that Saddam is gone, you can claim that Iraqis love freedom, and it is our moral obligation to deliver it to them, but the facts on the ground will tell a different story, and the many civilians who never asked us for liberation are not free, they are merely dead. There is no way that we can rationalize this, no way we can justify this, we are guilty as sin, and the ones who perpetrated the crime stand accused of something that carries a lighter sentence than selling a few grams of cocaine.Let's forget about Joe Wilson and Karl Rove for just a moment and talk about the Niger Document. There are some interesting facts that have been rehashed in the last week that have not gotten the attention they deserve amid all of the noise, we are debating the legal nuances of a petty crime and ignoring the felony. I never knew that the Niger document was forged. I don't think that it was reported much in the American press, but apparently the forgery was reported two weeks before the invasion began in March of 2003. From "Our Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) writings provide contemporaneous insight into the major flap that hit the White House two years ago, when it was discovered that the intelligence was based on a forgery. It was clear at that time that the first item on the White House list of talking points was: It wasn't Dick." Okay, maybe it wasn't Dick. But the fact remains that the Niger story prevailed even though it was proven to be a forgery long after the proof was made available to the general public. You have to ask yourself this crucial question. Who did the forgery? Who stood to benefit? There is a good piece written by a group of former intelligence professionals that makes an attempt to answer that question. Because of all the noise, and because we are powerless to prosecute anything meaningful, liberals like myself have been overjoyed at the prospect of having a guy like Karl Rove get slapped on the wrist for a misdemeanor, when the crime against humanity goes unpunished, and people continue to die for a lie, it is not justice, it is a sham, and we have been hoodwinked once more. The parties are off. I won't celebrate until all of the people who repeated these lies are brought to justice, and the crime that continues is stopped. As a citizen of a country that calls itself Christian, I ask that all American Christians examine the facts, turn off CNN, and put a stop to this criminal act. We can no longer fool ourselves into believing that justice will prevail, and asking forgiveness is not enough, we must endeavor to right this wrong. Stop the killing, prosecute the perpetrators, and make reparations. It is the Christian thing to do. It is the moral thing to do. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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