Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Falwell's Frothing AgainThe Christian Alliance For Progress was founded by people who want to reclaim Christianity from the conservative right wingers. They're out to prove that the majority of American Christians do NOT hold the views of the radical religious right.Apparently they are making some headway. Enough that Jerry Falwell felt it necessary to email the Moral Majority Coalition and Liberty Alliance to warn them about the goals of the Christian Alliance For Progress. In his email, Jerry states that this new organization is "hardly Christian." In fact, he even offers proof: The Christian Alliance for Progress says it will "speak out when conservative Christians misrepresent the gospel to support their misguided political positions." These positions include "equality for gays and lesbians" and "honoring the sanctity of childbearing decisions through effective prevention, not criminalization of abortion." Listen to the pot calling the kettle black. It's quite obvious that Jerry prefers using passages like Romans Chapter 1 to ostracize gays and lesbians rather than using passages like John 15:12 to include them in the love of Jesus Christ's church. Obviously Jerry doesn't want to see the fact that the letter to the Romans was written to the members of the Christian Church in Rome. Romans 1:18-28 is a rant against pagan religious practices. It speaks against making images (you know, like all the statues of Mary, the saints, and Jesus) and worshiping the made rather than the maker. One of the principle mainstays of pagan religions was the temple prostitutes, which the Law Covenant given to Israel spoke out against in many places. Paul, being a student of the Law was particularly mindful of this. Heterosexual men having sex with men and heterosexual woman having sex with women in pagan temples. This is what Paul writes about in these verses. They have nothing to do with relationships between homosexual men and women. Homosexuality as a sexual orientation was unknown in Paul's time. If I remember right, Jesus held fairly solid views on the equality of believers, on being anti-war, and on judging others. But then Jerry rarely preaches on those issues. It wouldn't bring money and power into his organization. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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