Sunday, July 31, 2005
We Just Want To Protect MarriageI hear over and over again from people who want to implant discrimination into State and US Constitutions that they do not hate gays and lesbians, they are simply trying to protect traditional marriage.Whyizzit then that over and over we see state constitution amendment measures that contain language removing rights that same-sex couples have already gained in those states? For instance, two groups in California are collecting signatures to get a State Constitution amendment on the ballet in 2006 so that, "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Proponents state that they want to take decisions concerning marriage out of the hands of the courts and the legislature. "Politicians and judges will not be able to attack marriage any more once this bill is passed." Even the name of the proposed bill is attracting concern. Democratic Attorney General Bill Lockyer has entitled it, "Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights." This is exactly what passing of the bill would accomplish. According to Lockyer it "voids and restricts registered domestic partner rights and obligations for certain same-sex and heterosexual couples." Rights these couples already possess under California law. Voided rights would include property ownership and transfer, inheritance, child custody, support, and adoption, medical decisions, and health and death benefits. It was pointed out that this bill would take away rights that have been afforded to literally tens of thousands of families. Backers of the initiative, however, see it differently. They want the bill to be titled, "Voters' Right To Protect Marriage Initiative." Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Children and Families, said that the title given to the bill, "is biased and prejudiced." He concludes, "The initiative is about prohibiting the government from abolishing or diminishing marriage." I'm trying to figure out why, if this bill passes, we would even bother to have a court and legislative system. Just allow the majority to rule and the heck with the rights of minorities in America. Let the blacks go back to picking cotton and eating in segregated restaurants. Put all the American Indians back on reservations and restrict their use of their own languages. Keep women in the homes making babies and take away their right to vote. Inter all the Muslims into camps like we did the Japanese during WWII. Don't allow anyone who is not white to hold a job above minimum wage. Round up all the Hispanics and deport them back to their original countries of birth. Yes!! Who needs the courts? Who needs protection from the majority? Isn't the majority ALWAYS right?? | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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