Monday, October 10, 2005

One of the Good Guys

Yesterday Bruce wrote a lengthy piece about the cross-pollination between Republican party politics and Christian rightwing ideology, The Growth of American Theocracy. He used my favorite homestate paper, The Texas Observer, October 7 edition, as one of his sources, quoting from the article "Meet the Fundies" and the "Political Intelligence" column, in which there were several pieces under the general heading "For the Love of God." The one about the Rev. "Flip" Benham (referenced by Bruce) was really called "Bend It Like Benham." The item under the heading "Old Time Religion" was about a completely different sort of Christian, Jim Wallis: Christian activist, author, and commentator. Wallis is the editor of Sojourners Magazine, author of several books (most recently God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and The Left Doesn't Get It), and one of the founders of the group Call to Renewal, a national federation of churches, denominations, and faith-based organizations from across the theological and political spectrum working to overcome poverty.

Wallis sees it this way:

"During the past five years, the Bushies, using the megaphone of the mainstream media, have created a simple but widely accepted storyline about religion and politics. Republicans care about God and morals. Democrats, and particularly liberals, are not religious. Now is the time for progressive Christians to “take back the faith.”
During an appearance in Austin this month he said: "I am still an evangelical Christian, and I find 3,000 verses in my Bible about poor people."

"I insist fighting poverty is a moral values issue, too. And protecting the environment, otherwise known as God's earth. Going to war is a religious matter, and a moral one too."
In the current issue of Sojourners, Wallis is launching a new campaign in this article: Budgets are moral documents: A campaign for compassionate priorities (requiring a short, free registration). The campaign is to be called Covenant for a New America, and is based on these two principles:

The critical needs of poor families must become the top priority of our government. The blatant inequalities of race and poverty in America - especially in the critical areas of education, jobs, health care, and housing - that have come to the surface must now be addressed. How we help families build assets and take responsibility for their futures must be central to the discussion.

Each "side" of our political landscape ignores too many valid concerns of the other side. Poor families do not need us to take sides. Much could be accomplished with a merging of personal and social responsibility, a commitment to reverse family breakdown, and a more honest assessment of both the personal decisions and social systems that trap people in poverty. The lives of poor people must no longer just prompt a debate between the left and right; but rather, overcoming poverty must become a bipartisan commitment and a nonpartisan cause.
If you don't wish to read the whole article, bother with registration, etc., here's a link to the campaign itself. Stand Up for a Moral Budget. This is what Wallis is asking "people of faith" to do for a change:

I'm asking you to help ensure decisions to be made by Congress in the next few weeks that impact all people in our country - especially "the least of these" - are not ignored. I'm asking you to speak and act to prevent unjust budget and tax plans now on the table. Priorities that ignore and hurt those most in need while enriching the wealthy call out for religious resistance. We must proclaim that budgets are moral documents - and current proposals fall short. As we recover from these natural disasters, with the nation at war and deficits rising at record rates, Congress is still planning $35 billion in cuts for Medicaid and Food Stamps, low-income health care and nutrition programs, and more - plus $70 billion in new tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Just this week, President Bush asked Congress to increase its social program cuts from $35 billion to $85 billion.
The campaign involves signing an email letter to congresspeople, writing letters to editors, and participating in call-in days October 17 and 18. I don't know, he doesn't talk to me the way he does to certain leaders of our country, but I have to think Jesus would approve of this campaign. I also think you don't have to be a person of any certain or absolute faith to take part in this campaign. These are the moral values of any decent human being.

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No subject for immortal verse
That we who lived by honest dreams
Defend the bad against the worse."

-- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?


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