Wednesday, February 01, 2006
NYT Editorial Nails Energy NonsenseYes indeedy, Dubya talked about a new energy plan last night, didn't he? He just about had to, no way to escape some mention of the current situation. Notice two words he didn't utter? "Global warming." Not even "Climate change." How many times did he say "terror" or "terrorists?" I started counting while listening on my car radio on the way home from taking our cats to the vet for their annual shots. This is a highly traumatic event for all of us, so I got distracted by the yowling going on in the back seat. Then we got home and I gave up on the rest of the SOTU. But if I'd had a margarita for every "terror" or "terrorists" that came out of the man's mouth even in the time I was listening, I'd have been too drunk to care about the yowling and hissing. Or about the SOTU.Distracting us from the real problems looming over us in climate change and peak oil by constantly saying "terror" isn't going to make the global climate situation go away. Bush began his two and a half minutes on the energy issue by saying that Americans are addicted - not to "oil" itself - but to "foreign oil." This leaves the road wide open to drilling for oil in say, wilderness areas, and oh, probably, offshore from the beaches of California, Florida, Delaware, Virginia and all the others. The NYT responded to Dubya's palliative remarks on oil and energy with a truly wonderful editorial today: The State of Energy. The whole piece deserves a respectful reading, but I'm going to drop in a few paragraphs to give you the tone: Last night's remarks were woefully insufficient. The country's future economic and national security will depend on whether Americans can control their enormous appetite for fossil fuels. This is not a matter to be lumped in a laundry list of other initiatives during a once-a-year speech to Congress. It is the key to everything else.It's the more backward energy companies who have kept this administration from the scientific truths (eg: Exxon employees moving back and forth between company and government positions) about climate change. The amounts Bush is promising to spend on R&D for alternative energies are utterly laughable when compared to what a company like Exxon/Mobil earns. What really matters here, folks? I see terror ahead for sure, and it isn't wearing a turban. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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