Saturday, March 04, 2006
A Break with RealityMaybe it's because I'm getting older, but every now and then I have one of those moments. I don't know how to describe it...I guess it's a break with reality or something. Not often and not for very long, but it's a little disconcerting.I had one of those moments yesterday afternoon. I hadn't been online in several days and I was emptying my email inbox. There were a lot of newsletters and news headlines from various sources. It was all a few days old and not really "news" anymore, so I wasn't really reading - just scanning and deleting. Suddenly, a familiar name jumped out at me from a BuzzFlash mailing - Molly Orshansky. Who is that and why does that name seem so familiar? I clicked the link and was transported to an In These Times article called "Lies, Damn Lies and Poverty Statistics." It's an article talking about how the number of poor people is probably much larger than the Federal government is acknowledging because they're using such a poor statistical model to determine what the poverty line actually is. As soon as I read enough to realize what the article was about, I had that moment I was talking about. For just a second or two, I thought, 'Wait a minute. This is old news. We took care of that a long time ago.' In about the time it took me to think that, I suddenly realized that I was confusing reality with an old episode of West Wing. Yes, the moderately liberal, fairly competent Bartlet administration had dealt with the problem, not the bunch of incompetent nincompoops we're dealing with in real life. If you're not a fan of the show or missed "The Indians in the Lobby" episode, I'll recap: There are Indians, the Native American kind, in the lobby of the White House. It's Thanksgiving, everyone is leaving Washington as fast as they can, and these Indians had a meeting involving their land cancelled at the last minute. Now they're threatening to stay in the lobby or be arrested in front of the press. Molly Orshansky comes up in one of the subplots. The OMB is changing the poverty line standard and there's suddenly four million more poor people. Not really, they've been poor; the Federal government is just finally going to recognize that they're poor. This discombobulates the Bartlet White House. The reelection campaign is about to kick off after the New Year and they've suddenly got four million more poor people on their watch. They send Sam Seaborn to meet with the woman from OMB to get to the bottom of it. He's anxious to get on her good side... CUT TO: INT. COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE - DAY They continue the discussion in another scene or two. Sam is trying to convince Bernice to hold off on the implementation of the new standard. Bernice is adament that it needs to be done as soon as possible. The Bartlet administration tries to figure out how to sell it. They send Toby Ziegler to meet with the master political consultant, Bruno Gianelli... TOBY So, to sum this all up: Molly Orshansky was a real person and we're still using her outdated formula to figure out who's poor in America (and eligible for government benefits.) This gang that couldn't shoot straight (and to be fair, the gang before them) never got around to fixing the broken formula. I think it's safe to say that $18,850 for a family of four is a little low. Can you really be considered middle class on $20,000 or $22,000 or even $25,000? Maybe one day we'll have some politicians that are halfway as competent or humane as the ones on TV and we'll have a better idea of the real number and what to do about it. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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