Friday, August 11, 2006

WMD's? YES, we DO Believe!

WoWza!! Red Terror warnings flashing all over the place. Terrorists falling from the skies again. Repubo National Committee damning all Demos for turning their war weary backs on the Lieberman. Must be an election coming up!

I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised at O bin L. He must have some kind of one-track-mind. You'd expect him to come up with something different than an attack on airliners. Doesn't he realize it's been used a bit much and all the anti-terror types might have them under their microscope? But that's his problem.

Y'all know how I like to keep an eye on the Letters to the Editor column in the Arizona Republic. In keeping with the upgraded warnings, new terrorist plots, and anti anti-war mumbling, I figured sooner or later this subject would crop up again and sure enough, there it was in today's paper. This is no joke, people. This guy is SERIOUS:

Regarding "50% of Americans believe in Iraq WMDs," this Associated Press reporter's dismay at the fact that 50% of us believe in Iraq's WMDs is understandable.

In spite of the media's constant harangue, continual distortions, intentional attempts to deceive the readers, doctoring of photographs and revealing of national secrets, we, the people, still believe!

Every intelligence service in the world agreed WMDs existed in Iraq.

Mainstream media remains incredulous that anyone could believe that Saddam Hussein had them, used them against his own people, wanted more of them and would, in fact, not hesitate to use them against us.

IEDs (improvised explosive devices) are made from old artillery shells. Just one of those "old WMD weapons" exploded in a theater would have far-reaching effects, would it not? Just how many weapons does it take to constitute having WMDs? More than one? Less than 500?

Would Saddam have used just one nuclear bomb or one artillery shell filled with mustard or sarin gas? Or just one vial of biological agent? Do you think he would have sold these weapons to Hamas or Hezbollah, or anyone else who hates infidels?

- Ric Gabbert, Phoenix

Now, I'm not going to comment on this. I think Mr. Gabbert's letter speaks quite plainly for itself. In fact, I think it's this kind of forward thinking that got Bush reelected for a second term. It's this kind of thinking that has a Texas District Attorney trying to press criminal charges against two border patrol members for continuing to chase a drug smuggler after he drove through a stop sign, then gave the smuggler immunity to be a witness against the two cops. Mr. Gabbert must be enthralled.

But anyway, I'll let you do the commenting. I'm so glad the Arizona Republic chose to reprint this excellent example of Free Speech. It will work wonders for the Republican cause this election!

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