Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Coming Soon to a Planet Near You: Global Disaster![]() All who have gotten previews of the IPCC paper, to be released Friday, if the scientists (who appear to have as much trouble coming to agreement as Democrats) can agree on hammering out the language, report what any sensible person would expect: it's a very scary picture: from Canada's Globe and Mail: The fallout of global warming: 1,000 years; In stark terms, scientists confirm that climate change is 'unequivocal. ABC News obtained a "sneak preview" of the draft, and their report is here: Report Is Expected to Confirm Increasing Evidence of Role People Play in Global Warming. The IPCC ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is a panel created by The United Nations in 1988 to to observe and assess climage change and release reports on its findings every five or six years. Critics of the UN are, of course, also critics of the IPCC, and many contrarians call its findings alarmist. However, because it relies on input from hundreds of scientists, including skeptics and industry researcher and its reports must be unanimous, approved by 154 governments _ including the United States and oil-rich countries such as Saudi Arabia, it is by nature relatively cautious. This being the case, I think we all should be feeling like Bob Cesca is as he contemplates the findings of this report in his blog on The Huffington Report today: The UN Preicts a Global Disaster...And Right Soon. Cesca lets out all the stops as he rants, also raves, about the details coming out of Paris: Global warming is one of many crucial issues that continues to be buried here in America.He goes on give us a horrifying list of concrete details from the report, after which he ponders new names for global warming that might make people sit up and pay more attention, among them: The Global Killer, Death by Weather, and his favorite, Global Disaster. The many comments following Cesca's blog entry are especially rivetting, showing the spectrum of public opinion and knowledge (or lack of it) on this subject floating through virtual space today. Tags: bob cesca, disaster, global warming, ipcc report | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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