Saturday, June 09, 2007

Shiite From Shinola

The war drags on.

A suicide bombing hit a Shiite Turkmen mosque in the north near Kirkuk, leaving a trail of mayhem. (19 killed, 20 wounded)
Another major bomb was set off in al-Qurna down near Basra. (16 killed, 22 wounded).
And in Baquba, guerrillas stormed the home of a police chief, killed 14 guards and family members, and took 3 sons captive.
Because of the spineless Democrats, the end of this war will not happen before the end of the Bush administration, not that we thought we might witness the end, but perhaps the Democrats could have spared a few young soldier's lives by giving a deadline to the armed forces. They have had five years to accomplish what we set out to do, get rid of Saddam, and remove the weapons of mass destruction. Saddam has been dead for a while, and there never were any weapons, so why are we still there? The blame for every new dead soldier from now until this conflict ends must be shared by the Democrats who failed the people. Many of us are looking for a new party, or a candidate who has the courage to take on the status quo of this corrupt system.

If you find that candidate, let me know, I'll write a check.

For now, the new solution that the Armed Forces and the Bush Administration have put forward to end the mayhem in Iraq is the "South Korean Model". When I googled "South Korean Model", I came up with some hits of semi-clothed Asian women, kind of skinny for my taste, but if I were in the middle of a civil war, I would definitely stop shooting long enough to at least look at all of the pictures. But the Army is not planning on stopping the bombing by dropping pictures of naked women. The Army wants to create a situation where we have Shiites on one side, and Sunnis on the other, and the Kurds.....I'm not sure where they're supposed to go....
But on the Korean Peninsula, our soldiers are on the side of the South Koreans, and so I'm not sure where the army plans on putting American soldiers. When we first began the war in Iraq, we were fighting the Sunnis, they served in Saddam's party, and for the most part, they make up most of the insurgency. It would make sense for Americans to support the Shiites, they are the majority. But with the Shiites tied so closely to the ayatollahs in Iran, it doesn't really make any sense for us to put our soldiers on their side, because won't that mean we are on the side of Iran? How will Condi Rice explain that?

And anyways, how are we going to get all of the Shiites to go to their side? We can't even tell the difference, it's not like they wear T-shirts. Are we going to have the ayatollahs just shout, "okay, all the Shiites move to this side!!!" Presumably, they have jobs and homes and children in school, if that sort of thing still exists in Iraq. And who will make sure the Sunnis move to their side? Where do we put the Kurds?

Whose side are we on?

Our President, the armed forces, the lawmakers, and the American people don't know Shiite from Shinola, and so we should just get the hell out, and let these folks sort it out for themselves. We can save up the money we are spending on the war in an interest bearing account, and when the Iraqis are done killing each other, we can write a check to whoever is left standing.

Maybe we can give them Texas as an extra bonus.

This war has gone sideways, and Obama can't fix it, Hillary can't fix it, John Edwards can't fix it, John McCain can't fix it.

Knowing this, we need to elect a party who can get us out of there.

It's not the Democrats.

posted at 9:08:00 PM by Tankwoman

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