Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It's the war, Dems, it's the war!![]() The real issues which many Democratic consultants and insiders fear to address are Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and "national security". They are haunted by the party's anti-war past, even though they understand that the Vietnam war was a disaster. McCain's strategists smell this Democratic vulnerability. They will try to achieve a bipartisan consensus that there is something called "Islamo-fascism", that the menace is unified, and that it is evil, that it can be confronted only by military force. Thus they can force Democrats into arguing that Iraq is a distraction from Afghanistan, that Marines should be transferred from Baghdad to Kabul in a downward spiral of fighting al Qaeda. They may find themselves trapped in McCain's battlefield of assumptions. (my emphasis)The Democrats can't afford to screw this up in the fall election. Because the bold Maverick is highly vulnerable on his support for the Iraq War. The fact that he is essentially calling for an open-ended fight tells me two things. One is that he's operating on the conservative stab-in-the-back dogma that says the US lost the Vietnam War only because the gutless public and the wimpy politicians lost their Will. The other is that he really has no clue how to bring American involvement in the Iraq War to a resolution. Joe Conason in McCain's risky strategy Salon 02/15/08 about the Straight Talker's political weak point on the Iraq War. The Maverick, he explains, is basing his campaign on putting over a perception that The Surge is achieving brilliant succes: One year after the first deployments of the American troop escalation in February 2007, proponents of the Iraq war have unanimously proclaimed "the surge" a smashing success. "We are winning," they proclaim on the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard and the New York Post (as well as in periodicals not owned by Rupert Murdoch).The American Prospect Online has been poking holes in McCain's Maverick image: The Maverick Myth by Paul Waldman The American Prospect Online 02/12/08 Charmless Offensive by Steve Benen The American Prospect Online 04/03/07 The McCain Charade by Robert Kuttner The American Prospect Online 10/02/06 Tags: joe conason, mccain, tom hayden | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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