Thursday, February 07, 2008

Playing The Blame Game

From the local NBC affiliate, KOB, Channel 4, this afternoon comes this word: NM Democrats To Recount All Caucus Ballots.

So it won't just be the provisional ballots, it will be all the ballots cast in the state of New Mexico on Tuesday. Well, they have another week to do it, so hey, why not? I might go on over to the counting site tomorrow and lend a hand in this effort, they're asking for volunteers. For Tim and David (both of whom commented on my previous post about this mess) I'm linking to Heath Haussamen's blog, New Mexico Politics, once again for a little more explanation and apology about it all from the party chairman, Brian Colón. Barbara Wold at DemocracyforNewMexico is pretty incensed, not at Colón, whom she vigorously defends, but at what she calls "the party bigwigs and poohbahs" for not getting down and dirty with the work and financing of the caucus. I don't know who David Buchanan had in mind in his comment about others blaming Gov. Richardson, but Barb is pretty hard on him in her column, and probably rightly so. Barb is a worker bee for the Democratic party, and when she says:

Bottom line: I believe the problems with the New Mexico Dem Caucus reveal more about the disdain for the Party evident in its upper echelons, candidates and people who hold higher offices than they do about the failures of those forced to actually put it together and run it. We're tired of the massive egos and private agendas of too many of our candidates and those who are supposed to be representing the people.

This situation is just another example of the disconnect between those who inhabit Governor's mansions, statehouses, the halls of Congress, and other niches of privilege and the ordinary people who are the real backbone of the the Party and the nation. We're tired of doing all your dirty work for you and having you show up only to get your egos stroked or to blame all the wrong people for your own failures. Ask any ordinary Dem.
I for one am willing to believe she knows whereof she speaks. My hope is that ordinary Dems won't become too discouraged over this fandango, and more of us will pitch in with the dirty work from now until November. And, if you think this was confusing, check out what will be happening in Washington State...where they have both a caucus and a primary. Yikes!!

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