Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Touchy, touchy![]() I guess Patrick Lang still has me on his "don't let this hippie weirdo post comments" list. This goes back a couple of years, as I explained in Neo-Confederate ideas in a surprising place 10/04/06 and More on the Confederacy 10/05/06. Apparently he just didn't quite get it how some dang hippies might prefer the United States to the Confederate States of America in historical hindsight. Or at least fail to be impressed by the CSA as a model of honor and statesmanship. Apparently he still doesn't appreciate my charm. He posted about this article by neocon guru William Kristol, It’s All About Him New York Times 02/25/08. Kristol actually kicks off his column complaining that Barack Obama's clothing style is insufficiently patriotic. (I'm not making this up.) Lang's comments in Kristol on Obama, Sic Semper Tyrannis 2008 blog 02/25/08, were fretting about the threatening implications of Obama's wife suggesting that her husband was inspiring to lots of people. ("Sic Semper Tyrannis", by the way, means "thus ever to tyrants", though often taken to mean "tyrants shall not live" or something similar. It's the state motto of Virginia since whenever; it was also the words John Wilkes Booth shouted in his most famous performance at Ford's Theater after blowing a hole in President Lincoln's head.) I submitted the following comment on the post. Lang screens his comments and apparently he thought this was just too incendiary for his readers' tender sensibilities. His next post is called Agitprop not done here 02/26/08, complaining about "a wave of ... attacks delivered by a new group of the Harpies of the left, (seemingly a 'task group' made up for Obamian defense of the 'future')." Did he mean "harpie" or "hippie"? The wounds of the "culture war" are enduring for some people, it appears. Too bad. Because he actually does do some well-informed, reality-based commentary on war issues. Anyway, here was my shocking "Vote with our feet?" You don't strike me as the kind of guy who's shy about disagreeing with someone. ![]() Lang defines his perspective in the second post as, "I have always thought of myself as a paleoconservative libertarian". This is worth remembering. There are quite a few people who have found reason to criticize the Iraq War who will not be entirely happy with the kind of withdrawal that Barack Obama is advocating. And they may also be highly critical of other of his policies, as well. The Iraq War has been such a disaster that plenty of people have found reason to criticize it, if only to try to distance their own reputations from the disaster. But it has created what could be a misleading impression that expert opinion is more generally supportive of Democratic antiwar measures than is the case. This is a different issue than the general public dissatisfaction with the war, which grew to majority proportions even in the face of the dysfunction of the Establishment press. And it has stayed strong, despite the propaganda claims of the great success of The Surge (aka, the McCain esclation), again in the face of mainstrem media dysfunction. Tags: barack obama, isolationism, patrick lang, william kristol | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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