Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Presidential Epiphany on Global WarmingEvidently our Dear Leader had an epiphany sometime in the past weeks and has decided, in the last months of his reign, to get on board the global train of human-caused climate change and the need to do something about it. I first saw word of this on Monday in The Moonie Times (aka The Washington Times), but decided to wait for a more credible report before I brought it up. And, yes, this very morning in fact, according to the AP and the WSJ, he will be in the Rose Garden speaking to the press and making "an acknowledgment that the U.S. likely will adopt some sort of broad new legal system to curb greenhouse-gas emissions in coming years." How's that for tough decisive language, sports fans? (Emphasis added)However, Bush isn't overly concerned about the effects of global warming on the planet; apparently, what he's primarily concerned with is that Congress, which is set to finally get down to brass tacks on the highly imperfect global warming legislation it's been sitting on for months now, will produce what the White House is calling "a train wreck" of regulations under existing federal laws such as the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act. Our increasingly irrelevant Leader is in no hurry to actually do anything about the planetary crisis growing constantly more evident to the rest of the world, no, in fact: "The president was not expected to present any specific proposals — cap-and-trade or otherwise — but outline broad principles that he believes climate legislation should include." Remember the SOTU when, gasp!, Bush actually acknowledged our need to recover from our national oil addiction? And the absolute lack of any action taken to accomplish that firm resolve? This looks like much the same sort of thing. Yes, there is global warming, no, we aren't going to do a damn thing about it. And good luck to the presidential candidates and their efforts, by the way. (Sources: ABC News, AP via Talking Points Memo, New York Times) Technorati Tags: GW Bush, global warming, Rose Garden | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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