Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Iraq War: Mission Accomplished yet againThe best I can say about Obama's Iraq War policy is that he stuck to the withdrawal schedule for "combat" troops that the Cheney-Bush administration had negotiated at the insistence of the Iraqi government. It's better than McCain's 100 Years War there.Felipe Sahagún writes in El Mundo that the official end of combat operations for the US in Iraq is Un cambio semántico (A semantic change) 31.08.2010. Fifty thousand official troops remain there. And the situation in Iraq is still very unsettled. As Greg Mitchell tweeted on 08/18/2010, "Meanwhile, 6 more Americans killed in Iraq, meaning 19 in 4 days." We're on the way out. But not fast enough. And the use of secret operations and mercenary contractors, which Obama has continued and is even expanding, makes the nature of this "change" even more problematic. And praising the great George W. Bush, who violated the Congressional authorization of October 2002 in invading Iraq, took the country to war under fabricated premises, and committed various other war crimes in the process? What is Obama thinking? He should be investigating and prosecuting Bush for the torture crimes especially, not praising him on national TV. (Just a couple of months before the Congressional elections, to boot!) Joan Walsh writes in Obama, Bush, Beck and Hagee Salon 08/31/2010: I didn't expect Obama to excoriate the neocon chickenhawks who lied us into war, but I wasn't entirely prepared for his praising the president who got us into this mess. But he did ...It appears that Obama is still operating on the delusion - and it is truly a delusion if this is what he's thinking - that he's going to be able to establish some kind of "post-partisan" harmony on the basis of fully endorsing the national security state and perpetual war while focusing on the entirely phony threat of budget deficits as an excuse to slash Social Security. This does not look good. Here is the official text: Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on the End of Combat Operations in Iraq 08/31/2010. Immediately after praising his awful predecessor, he continued with the pretence that our mammoth military establishment is necessary to save us from the mighty superpower "Al Qaeda": The greatness of our democracy is grounded in our ability to move beyond our differences, and to learn from our experience as we confront the many challenges ahead. [Post-partisanship!] And no challenge is more essential to our security than our fight against al Qaeda.Tags: iraq war, militarism | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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