Saturday, May 19, 2012
Now THIS is voter suppression (Arizona edition)Old-fashioned Jim Crow voter suppression has become a standard procedure for today's Republican Party. This is one sign of how respectable it's become among Republicans: Kim Geiger, Arizona official: It's 'possible' Obama won't make ballot Los Angeles Times 05/18/2012.Kind of like Abraham Lincoln not even being a choice in the slave states in the election of 1860.
Geiger reports: In a revival of the controversy surrounding President Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate, a state official in Arizona says it’s “possible” that he’ll hold Obama’s name off the Arizona ballot if Hawaii officials don’t send him confirmation that the president was born there.Mr. Swiftboat himself, Jerome Corsi, is part of the story. Matthew Hendley reports for the Phoenix New Times, Ken Bennett, Arizona Secretary of State, Plays to the "Birthers" 05/17/2012: Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, who just recently filed the paperwork for an exploratory committee in the 2014 Arizona gubernatorial race, appears to be the latest Arizona politician to play to the "birther" crowd.But in Arizona today, this kind of thing can look like a promising career enhancer to Republican politicians. Yvonne Wingett Sanchez writes in Arizona Secretary of State Bennett seeks verification of Obama's citizenship Arizona Republic 05/18/2012: Yet the state's No.2 elected official has waded into the highly charged controversy, asking the island state to verify the president's birthplace to ensure Obama can appear on Arizona's Nov.6 ballot.The Democrats there are making some kind of response: The White House did not respond to requests for comment. The Obama campaign in Arizona, however, released a statement saying the president's name will appear on the ballot.But why shouldn't the White House make a big stink over this? Supposedly they are trying to paint Romney as an extremist. It seems to me that dogging him with this action by his Arizona state co-chairman makes good political sense. On the general topic of voter suppression, see also: Tampa Bay Times editorial, Voter fraud effort smacks of voter suppression campaign 05/17/2012; Sandhya Bathija, Voter Suppression Laws: Will We Let Them Impact the 2012 Election? ACLU 05/10/2012. Tags: segregation, voter suppression | +Save/Share | | |
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