Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Is The Draft Coming?It seems every other day, we're hearing more and more talk about the coming draft. Is there a real crisis or are we just being schmoozed, getting us ready for the surprise news break when (not if) it happens.Our armed forces are losing men and women in droves and volunteer enlistment is not keeping up with the losses. Graduates from military colleges are leaving as soon as their commitment is up. It's getting worse, not better. If this war is to continue (and you can bet the house that it will), America needs more bodies in uniform. As it is right now, the right wing war hawks do not have to be concerned about their children dying in Iraq. They're quite content to send someone else's kids to do the dying for their cause. If the draft were reinstated, this would not change. The Vietnam war proved that. There is only one way to settle this problem that would be fair for everyone - everyone serves. Every male and female in the US must serve a two year military stint sometime between the ages of 18 and 27. There would be no deferments, not for college, not for health (except in obvious cases where the person is totally incapacitated either physically or mentally). People with small health problems (flat feet, bad eyesight, a lost limb, etc.) would serve in support roles. Everybody would have to serve, no excuses. Oh, and congress would pass a law stating that anyone who tried to influence (by money or position) where or in what capacity their child serves would be arrested and jailed. Yes, there would be a lot of turnover, but there would certainly be enough trained troops ready to handle any problems that come up in the future. Heck, I wouldn't mind serving under those circumstances. That's equal no? How many wars like Iraq or Vietnam would be approved by Congress if that were the case? But I wouldn't hold my breath. The chances of such a bill even being submitted in Congress is microscopic at best. They'd much rather have you die than one of their own. So be prepared. It's coming. Bush's "no draft" promise is as much toilet paper as most of his campaign promises have proved to be. The only hope we have is that the paper splits when he wipes his butt with it. Have you connected the dots on why Bush ignores the economy yet? Think about it. If the economy is bad enough and kids can't get jobs when they leave high school or college, what's left to them? The armed forces of course. This is why the biggest recruiting come-on is the money they offer up-front for a person to sign on. Needy kids see it as a way to help their family make ends meet. There is a reason for everything when it concerns the Bush Administration and it all seems to circle around Iraq like vultures around a dead corpse. As they've said from the beginning, everything is going fine in Iraq. Exactly as planned. That should explain a lot to anyone who's listening. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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