Monday, June 27, 2005

Revolutionary Action

As we become more and more conscious of the world around us and the immense suffering and injustice that exist we usually begin asking, "What can I do?" What can I do to make a difference? The good news is there is plenty you can do. Even better news is that what you do really matters. Throughout my posts so far I have linked to various groups or events to encourage others to get involved. I realize, however, that to many people the idea of attending a protest or even writing a letter to his or her congress person is not very appealing. But what if I told you that there is something you can do every single day that is not only good for your health and the environment but can really help to alleviate a lot of suffering in the world?

There are few things we can do that can have a more radical and revolutionary impact on the world around us then the act of going vegetarian. There are what seems like a zillion different types of vegetarians out there and I'm not about to try and explain them all to you. But you can learn a lot more at Go I'd also definitely recommend watching their video Chew on This which will definitely give you some great reasons to go vegetarian, some which I'll cover here.

Why are you vegetarian? I hear this question a lot. Sometimes it's really asked out of a sense of curiosity. Other times it is asked almost as a challenge. People have a hard time understanding why on earth someone would go without meat. We have been indoctrinated with the belief that meat is the cornerstone to any good meal; that meat is necessary for a healthy and active lifestyle; that meat is good. The latest diet fad the Atkins diet pretty much sums up this meat-loving fetish we have in this country. When I am asked why I"m vegetarian my immediate response is, "How much time do you have?" I'm vegetarian for spiritual, environmental, and health reasons. That pretty much sums it up for me. Here are ten good reasons to go vegetarian from the Go Veg website:

  • Because a vegan diet reverses heart disease the American Heart Association (AHA) diet, which includes meat, patients arteries continue to clog, while Dr. Dean Ornish beganan diet unclogs arteries. In one study, AHA dieters experienced a 28 percent average worsening of clogged arteries, while dieters on Ornish's program experienced an 8 percent improvement in their arteries.
  • Because eating meat and dairy products makes you fat.As a nation, we're getting fatter, and the Atkins diet has only made matters worse because it only works in the short term. Only 2 percent of pure vegetarians are obese, which is about one-ninth the figure for meat-eating Americans.
  • Because in every package of chicken, theres a little poop.A USDA study found that 98 percent of broiler chicken carcasses had detectable levels of E. coli, indicating fecal contamination
  • Because you wouldn't eat dog.Most people are horrified that some cultures eat dogs or whales, but these animals suffer no more than animals commonly consumed in the U.S. The difference is only cultural, not moral.
  • Because mad cow disease is in the U.S.Any animal with a brain could contract a version of mad cow disease, yet millions of pigs and chickens are still being fed the remains of diseased animals in violation of World Health Organization recommendations and the laws of Europe and Japan.
  • Because it takes a small person to beat a defenseless animal ... and an even smaller person to eat one.If you're eating meat, you are paying others to commit acts so cruel that if committed against dogs or cats, they would warrant felony cruelty charges in most U.S. states.
  • Because the grain used to feed animals could be used to feed people.A full 80 percent of U.S. agricultural land is used to raise chickens, pigs, and other farmed animals; 70 percent of grains produced are used to feed them. If the massive quantities of grain, soy, and corn now fed to factory-farmed animals were freed up, there would be plenty of food for the world's starving people.
  • Because more than half of all water used in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food.A totally vegetarian diet requires 300 gallons of water per day, while a meat-eating diet requires more than 4,000 gallons of water per day. Time magazine reports, Around the world, as more water is diverted to raising [cattle], pigs, and chickens, instead of producing crops for direct consumption, millions of wells are going dry.
  • Because when animals feel pain, they scream, too.If you burn them, they feel it. If you give them electric shocks, they feel it. Other animals feel pain in the same way and to the same degree that we humans do.
  • Because it isn't fair.Killing other animals is an act of exploitation and violence, and we do it only because we have the power to.
It's so much easier to go vegetarian now. There are tons and tons of great meat substitutes out there. Garden Burgers, for instance, taste better than any real meat burger. For those worried about giving up dairy: Soy milk and rice cheese offer tasty subsitutes. I can imagine in some areas it might be hard to find these things. I happen to be fortunate enough to live next to a Seventh Day Adventist town which caters to the largely vegetarian community, but even many of the large grocery chains carry tofu and other vegetarian products.

There are many reasons for switching to a vegetarian diet. In my mind there are few actions that are more revolutionary in word, thought, and deed. By the simple act of changing your diet you make a great step toward improving your health. You will lower your risk of heart disease and various cancers. You'll feel better, too. You'll make a small step towards healing our planet, and you'll help end the needless suffering of billions of animals. So what are you waiting for? Some great links to help you get started:

Making the Transition
Order a free copy of Christianity and Vegetarianism
I can't believe it's Vegan

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No subject for immortal verse
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