Saturday, July 02, 2005
The Leaker Revealed?The scuttlebutt around the liberal blogosphere is that the leaker of Valerie Plame's identity is none other than...For those of you who have forgotten, this story all started after Joseph Wilson was sent to Niger to investigate claims that Saddam Hussein was attempting to buy uranium in Africa so that he could begin making that infamous "mushroom cloud." After President Bush made the claim that, yes, Saddam was trying to purchase uranium in the form of yellowcake from Niger in that now infamous State of the Union address, Wilson went public and shot down that claim. In an attempt to discredit Wilson, it was leaked that the only reason he was sent on the trip was because his wife was a CIA analyst who had pushed that he be sent. His wife, Valerie Plame, was outed by Robert Novak in a column he wrote. Since it is a crime to reveal the identity of a CIA operative, there has been an investigation going on for quite some time as to who the leaker was. All this came to a head this week when the Supreme Court refused to hear the cases of Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper, who were refusing to reveal their sources. Faced with jail time for Cooper and $1000 a day in fines, Time Magazine has pledged to give the grand jury all their documents on the story. What's been puzzling about the whole thing is why Novak, the only reporter to write a story about the leak, has escaped any kind of scrutiny. Well, let the rumors begin. The scenario that seems to make the most sense is that Novak has already revealed his source, but that his source, when questioned by the special prosecutor, denied it. It is now thought that Miller's and Cooper's sources were needed to collaborate Novak's story and to bring perjury charges against the leaker. Speculation? Yes. But interesting, if true. Cue the McLaughlin Group. Last night, Lawrence O'Donnell, senior MSNBC political analyst, appeared on the talk show and claimed to know who the leaker was...
This should be a very interesting week coming up. More at Talk Left, American Street, AMERICAblog, dailyKOS and elsewhere around the blogodrome. Update: Apparently this story has legs and has moved on to the MSM. Newsweek is first out of the gate with it...
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No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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