Monday, May 08, 2006
The War on PeopleSome of us are convinced that there really is a Global War on Terror going on. Apparently the old adage is true: if you repeat a lie often enough, it does become the truth. Nevertheless, there remains a great many of us who see the imperialist aims of this new facet of U.S. foreign policy articulated by the Bush doctrine.Consider the fact that the FBI is spying on peace and justice groups around the country: We know as a result of this same project that the F.B.I. has sent confidential informants into mainstream groups like Greenpeace and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. We don't know exactly what those confidential informants are doing, because those are the details that are redacted, but we know that they're there, and we absolutely are concerned that the same kind of, you know, provocation is happening as a result of these confidential informants inside these groups.This isn't new, folks. This is how the FBI destroyed the Black Panther Party and other revolutionary movements in this country along with a great number of social justice movements. They infiltrate groups and cause division from within. So while most Americans are in fear of another terrorist attack like on 9/11 the FBI is busy investigating People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, even infiltrating the group. I can only wonder if the negative stories about PETA in recent years has been a result of this FBI provocateur. The Miami police department was given $8 million to investigate protesters at a Free Trade Area of the Americas protest. Our government is spying on us. It is cracking down on citizen dissidents. And it is doing all of this under the guise of a war on terrorism. The same groups that were once labeled "communist sympathizers" just thirty years ago are now being called "terrorist sympathizers." The Global War on People (GWOP) is underway. Our President is spying on American citizens and peaceful groups around the country. As you can see the term "terrorist" is malleable. We apply it to those who commit the kind of terror we don't like; the kind that doesn't help us. But when we commit acts of terror just pretend it's something else. As those in the previous peace movements were called communists, we are now called terrorist sympathizers. How much longer before we are simply labeled as terrorists? This war is against us all. It's against Mexican immigrants and Muslims. It's against those who work and women. And for the Mexican Muslim women amongst us who have jobs, times are getting tough. Join the peace movement. Say no to imperialism. Say yes to peace. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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