Friday, June 09, 2006

Government-Sanctioned Discrimination

When I first saw the headline for this article on AOL’s Welcome Screen, I didn’t think much about it. But I’ve logged on to AOL about 86 times since the headline was posted; and, like a thorn in the sole of my shoe, it finally broke through and woke me up with a sharp poke to my brain.

English Only at One Philly Cheesesteak Joint

PHILADELPHIA (June 9) - Bistec con queso? Not at Geno's Steaks.

An English-only ordering policy has thrust one of Philadelphia's best-known cheesesteak joints into the national immigration debate.

Situated in a South Philadelphia immigrant neighborhood, Geno's - which together with its chief rival, Pat's King of Steaks, forms the epicenter of an area described as "ground zero for cheesesteaks" - has posted small signs telling customers, "This Is AMERICA: WHEN ORDERING 'SPEAK ENGLISH."'
On how many levels is this news just….bad? On the shallowest of economic levels, as someone about to make my own foray into the world of the restaurateur, I can’t conceive of blasting this terrible attitude in the faces of potential customers. This idiot must have all the business he needs, and more, if he can afford to discriminate so blatantly and still make a living. I wish he would send some of that excess custom in my direction.

And then there is the fact that this gentleman’s parents were immigrants themselves. Imagine how they felt, being met with this very same welcoming, inclusive spirit after passing through the “golden door” to their new home. So their son, rather than learning empathy from his parents’ experience, has chosen to assure that twenty-first century immigrants get exactly the same trial-by-fire treatment from him. After all, if Mama and Papa had to run that gauntlet, it's only fair that all other immigrants should have to. It will make them worthy of the blessings showered upon them by this great nation, by god!

Still, I reserve the lion’s share of my outrage for our nation’s leadership. Through political machinations designed to rake votes into their column, they have legitimized this type of behavior. How many of us have harbored a secret annoyance when we encountered immigrants in our world who can’t speak English, and seem to have no interest in learning it? “Damn it,” we’d think as we resorted to sign language or speaking very…loudly…and…slowly to make ourselves understood. “If they want to come here, they should at least learn to speak the language!” But up until now, we’ve dismissed that fleeting thought as uncharitable, even un-American, swallowed our annoyance and pressed on. And are better people for the swallowing.

That was until the GOP got hold of the issue. They are such masters at boring into the hearts and minds of Americans, mining out those hidden nuggets of prejudice and negativity, and exploiting them to the hilt. The immigration dance they’ve been performing was specifically calculated to appeal not only to their right-wing nutcase base, but to find an answering chord in the hearts of millions of everyday, “normal” Americans, from sea to shining sea. Thus pulling the weight of those precious millions of swing voters toward the Republican side of the aisle. Not satisfied that they have encouraged Americans to beat each other to death with the religion/morality club, they pulled the additional weapons of prejudice and protectionism out of the closet, handed them around, and prepared to exploit the consequences.

So now we have a guy in Philly brazenly broadcasting his “English Only” policy. An in-your-face act of discrimination right out of the early twentieth century, specifically advocated by our illustrious GOP Congress and its “National Language” debate. At a time when the world is rushing forward at breakneck speed, our leadership is in the business of taking us inexorably backward. Why are we buying into it?

posted at 12:31:00 PM by Lisa :-]

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