Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Threatening IranThe Cheney-Bush administration (who was dead wrong about Iraq's WMDs) is telling the International Atomic Energy Commisssion (who was right about Iraq's WMDs) that the US knows about Iran's WMD programs. Apparently, the Cheney-Bush team want us to believe that Iran is on the verge of being able to crank out enough weapons-grade uranium for 40 nuclear bombs: U.S. to IAEA: Iran is determined to produce nuclear weapons Ha'aretz 09/13/06The United States ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency Gregory Schulte, on Wednesday released a statement saying Washington is convinced that Iran is determined to acquire the technology, materials and know-how necessary for the production of nuclear arms. ...From [David] Albright: 'Room for Optimism' in Confrontation with Iran Council on Foreign Relations 09/12/06: [H]ow far along is Iran in its own nuclear development?Notice how different the numbers sound; in the US letter, another 164 centrifuges!! Material for 40 nuclear bombs!!! Centrifuges and heavy water and bombs, oh my! In Albright's interview 164 centrifuges = 1 cascade. You need a minimum of ten cascades to grind out enough weapons-grade uranium to for one bomb per year. Iran currently has one, according to Albright in his 09/12 interview. Schulte's letter claims that has been doubled to 2 cascades. Gary Sick reported a couple of weeks ago (Gary Sick on Republican Hype on Iran No Quarter blog 08/27/06) in a brief piece discussing the Republican propadanda report released under the aegis of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Intelligence Policy: If you are going to take on the entire US intelligence community, it is a very good idea to at least get your basic facts straight. On a very quick reading, I found a statement on p. 9 claiming that the 164 centrifuges at the Iranian Natanz site are "currently enriching uranium to weapons grade." There is no evidence whatsoever that this is true - and a lot of evidence that the tiny bit of enriched uranium produced at this site was reactor grade (c. 2.5%? vs weapons grade c. 95%?). It may be true that [staffer and neocon true believer Frederick] Fleitz [who contributed significantly to the report according to Sick], and perhaps many in the neo-con community, suspect that weapons grade enrichment is either covertly underway or is planned, but their suspicions should not be allowed to substitute for facts. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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