Monday, November 27, 2006
RustyIt's really difficult to get back into blogging after an absence. I am over my holiday exhaustion, Thanksgiving is not an easy time of year if you make your living selling food, but I sort of feel that maybe my days of blogging are over, that the nation is on the long road to recovery, and that things are proceeding as they should. Of course the situation in Iraq is as bad as it can be, and if it gets any worse, we may not be able to bring our troops home alive. I don't know just how bad it must get for people to start calling it a civil war, but most of us who read the newspapers know just how dire the situation is, without the use of the C word.I'm pretty sure that all of the talk going on in the inner circles of power is about how we will pull out, and not when we will pull out. If you read the newspapers, you must get a sense that the war is over, and that our troops would be long gone if there were a way to do it safely. Moving 140,000 troops, and the gear that we brought with us is not an easy task, there are the tiny details, like what weapons will be left behind for the enemy to use in the future, there are slippery details, like just who is the enemy, and there are huge details, like moving large amounts of people without getting them killed on the way out. Once our guys leave the Green Zone, what road will they take to safety? It's telling that the scope of our military humiliation has compelled us to begin a dialogue with the evilest of evil nations, Iran. Just a year ago, George Bush refused to take the nukes off of the table, and today, his best friends are the leaders of rogue nations. It would almost be enjoyable, but George Bush's failure is an American failure, and his folly is the heavy cross of shame that every American carries today. Sure we can go on about our business of shopping for holiday gifts, and paying the rent, but at some point, we will pay the price for this unforgivable sin, and it will not be cheap. Let's just hope we can pay in dollars, and not in the lives of our citizens, as those in Iraq have done. And maybe the reason I am rusty, and uninspired is because I, like many American Progressives, have no idea how to end this war in Iraq. It was much easier to sit back and hurl insults at the Administration while we were powerless, but that excuse is no longer an option, and now we must come up with real ideas and solutions. To blame the Bush Administration and the Republicans for this insoluble problem is all good, but now we are leaders, and must come up with some viable solutions. How can we end this, and can we exit before there is not an exit available to us? I am hoping that those people we have elected who carry the name of Democrat can come up with something quick, and get our troops out of Iraq before all of the exits are blocked. We can place blame later, we can impeach all the Republicans who are to blame, but if we don't get those children out now, we may not ever. Get Real. Get Out. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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