Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Few Small Things

It's so easy to get lost in gloom and the doom, the sound and the fury, the angst and the grief, of all the problems, all the stuff that's so wrong, and getting wronger, in our country and our world. So, every once in a while it's just a much-needed uplift to come across people who believe that what we do, even in small ways, can make a difference. I came across such a campaign this morning at The U.S. Climate Emergency Council. They have launched a campaign they are calling New Energy Monday. The idea is that on each Monday of this new year, 2008, those who sign on to the project will take action that steps up their personal commitment to being part of the solution. The solution, that is, to global warming and the promotion of a clean energy future.

The actions are utterly achieveable, ranging from skipping a meal or going meatless on Mondays to joining with other like-minded souls to organize a “Clean Energy Now” vigil at a busy intersection in your town or city. Here's the list of the Climate Emergency Council's suggested actions; you can certainly think of more on your own:
  • You could join USCEC director Mike Tidwell and coordinator Ted Glick on an every-Monday fast.
  • You could skip a meal.
  • You could bicycle to work.
  • If you eat meat, you could forego it on this day.
  • You could commit to do volunteer work for a local climate group.
  • You could call your local, state and federal elected officials to prod them to take action (see below for one action to take).
  • You could call five of your friends to talk with them about this campaign and encourage them to join it.
  • You could pledge to make a donation each week to a group working on climate issues.
  • You could join with others in your area and organize a “Clean Energy Now” vigil at a busy intersection in your town or city.
  • Or you could take another form of action.
  • The U.S. needs to lead a rapid transition away from fossil fuels and onto the path of energy conservation, efficiency and renewables. 2008 is a critical year to advance this cause. All of us need to think seriously about how we can step up our activism and commitment.
If you'd like to officially join this campaign, this link will take you where you can register, give some thought to what you'd like to do on Mondays for the rest of the year. It's certainly a way to more energy mindfulness at least one day a week!

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"It is the logic of our times
No subject for immortal verse
That we who lived by honest dreams
Defend the bad against the worse."

-- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?


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