Monday, February 04, 2008

Why Hillary?

I guess it's because I feel like I've known her for 16 years. Everything there is to know about Hillary is out there already, no surprises. The press and the Republicans can dig from now until November, and there will be nothing new about Hillary. She's been vetted completely. I'm not as sure about Barak. She's the smartest candidate in the race. Sure, she's a cautious politician, but I like that about her. Careful thinking is what this country needs right now, and as we have seen in the last eight years, radical changes in policy cause harm and upheaval in all aspects of government, you can see what Bush's radical right changes have done to our nation. We need a course correction, but much like a sailboat, it is best to change direction gradually, in increments, so as not to capsize the whole ship. I don't agree with her vote on the Iraq war, but I agree that getting our troops home cannot be rushed, there has to be a sound plan in place, so that we don't have a huge loss of American lives as we pull out, and we need to make sure that we are not leaving behind any serious American weapons that will be used in future wars.

And you know that there will be future wars in Iraq after we leave.

I'm a child of the sixties at heart, I was a child when my older sisters lived through the hippie generation, and learned politics at the Chicago Democratic Convention in '68. I was really young, but I remember the deaths of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. I remember drawing peace signs on my Catholic school notebook, and singing along to Sly and the Family Stone, and Crosby, Stills and Nash. I lived through the Feminist Revolution of the 70's, and have always wanted to see a woman take the oath of office in my lifetime. I think that the spirit and social coming of age of the sixties was one of the most important events of the last century, and I believe that Hillary Clinton is a product of that time, and will finally implement the promise of that generation. Since that time of change, we have only seen the blowback of social conservatism, we have never reaped any of the rewards of that extraordinary decade. I would love to see true racial equality, true gender equality, and an end to the American War Machine. Hillary Clinton was out there fighting for change way back in the 70's, she has devoted a lifetime to change, and to the issues that are important to Americans, and I trust her to continue the fight.

I'm supporting Hillary Clinton.

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