Friday, September 23, 2005
Flotsam and JetsamIn a few hours, my partner and I will be leaving for Washington, D.C. to take part in this historic weekend of national protest against the war in Iraq. We'll meet up with two fellow Blue Voicers from the East Coast, TankWoman and Neil Purcell, as well as members of the local peace vigil group here at the beach. We will report back to you on this event in the blog - Tank Woman even has a crazy idea about catching what we can on video and reporting (tape at eleven) on the demonstration as if we were CNN.For those who criticize this event, who think that most Americans are still behind the president and approve of the war, I recommend reading this piece from today's Washington Post: Antiwar Rally Will Be a First for Many: Focused Message Draws Protesters of All Stripes. How anyone who caught any of GWB's speech last night could still possibly grant him any credibility is beyond my imagining. There are rumors that he is under so much stress that he is once again downing TX-size shots of whiskey. The main source for this is the National Enquirer, so make of it what you will. His performance last night convinced me that he was in some sort of altered condition, I do have to admit. I'm not really judging him, mind you, if I were in his position right now, I'd weigh 500 pounds and be perpetually stoned. As I've been doing the Blue's News headlines this week, I haven't done much posting. I have been faithfully reading posts and comments though. TankWoman put a bee in many bonnets with her post Racist? Who Me? It drew a large number of comments, many of which go a long way towards illustrating just what the original post was talking about. All interested parties might want to read What Racism, Where? by Bradford Plumer in the MoJo Blog. I offer one last reading suggestion from among the many things I've gone through this week looking for items of interest for the Blue's News column. From a site that is new to me, and whose political viewpoint I haven't quite figured out, Foreign Policy Magazine, the article is Dangerously Unique, by Moises Naim, the magazine's editor. This little piece gave me quite a lot to mull over. An interesting perspective on our position in the world. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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