Thursday, September 22, 2005

Start the party, folks. Here we go again!!

Don't you just LOVE rich, CRWXtian, white people?? Especially those in the insurance and banking industries?? Katrina is giving us a really great overview of how these good folks are totally screwing over the poor folks (pick your race/color/religion) who owned houses all along the Gulf Coast. I guess they feel what with the new focus hurricane Rita bearing down on Tejas that they are free to run roughshod over the folks who suffered from Katrina.

Considering hurricane aftermath, what would be the easiest, fastest, legal way to foc over the most people in the shortest amount of time? First you make sure the press is aware that you have immediately set up claims offices in every nook and cranny where Katrina hit. Run commercials on all the TV stations telling all about it. Then, after weeks and weeks of studying, assessing, stringing desperate people along with promises of rapid settlement, you disallow 90% of all property claims in favor of every large insurance company you can name. And how truly wondrous that gawd is about to swing his devastatingly huge club of destruction again, doubling the outcome in one felled swoop. Praise Gawd, Glaaawry to Jesus!! It's a great year to be in the insurance business!!

Name one insurance company that will go belly-up paying off claims from these two hurricanes? Zippo!! How about one that went belly-up last year after the Florida disasters last year? Zippo!! You'd think with all this paying out at LEAST one would have had to declare bankruptcy, no?? If you thought so, great gawd, do you live in a shell!!

The point is, they won't pay out very much at all. Hurricanes are NOT natural disasters, covered by your home-owners policy ~ they're floods and, of course, floods aren't covered by home-owners insurance unless a separate and EXPENSIVE flood policy is purchased. (almost as much as your house payment) If you're stupid to live in an area that MIGHT ever get hit by a huge hurricane, you DESERVE to get focced and hey, somebody's gotta do it, right? Might as well be us. (smile) So we win, you lose, we rake in the dough, you're focced, now excuse us, we have to leave. Got to get up early tomorrow for church. Aren't you glad you're in good hands?? We're glad almost everyone is. Oh...don't forget you're premium is due. You need to be insured in case disaster hits. Right?!

Also dancing in the streets while watching the impending doom of hurricane Rita approach, waving their hands to the clouds, praising the gawd who loves rich, white, crwxtians are the big oil execs. Gas prices, which have been dwindling (not at the rate they rose, but dwindling just the same), have spiked upward already - and the storm hasn't even hit yet. Just the THREAT is enough to justify prices which might just hit $4 a gallon now, if they think the gullible public will allow it. And, more praise to the all-mighty repubo in the sky, they will!!

The partying never ends at Halliburton, who already has the no-bid contracts in place to clean up after Rita is finished her destruction, just as they did for Katrina. Cheney can't wait to get back into private industry again. (Him run for president - you have to be kidding. That's social welfare to Dickey boy.) He's kicking himself that he has to wait another two years before claiming the funds privately set aside in his name, or in his wife's name, or in some off-shore bank account for when he can rejoin the machine he's helped set in place since he was elected in 2000. He didn't believe George would win, but what the heck - it's been a helluva ride, hasn't it?? And those wondrous tax cuts. Who cares there won't be an America left. Dickey will outlast 'em all!!

And last but hardly least, pastors of those mega-sized TV churches are grinning from ear to ear. They're already begging their CRWXtian rich white members to send more money, more money, more money, more money so they can help themselves, uhhhhh, I mean, help the poor victims of hurricanes Katrina/Rita to regain their lives, to regain their trust in the lawrd, to restart sending their 10% to the TV church again. Yeeeasss brothers and sisters!! Send money, send money, send money!!

So as Rita tears into Tejas, let's start hearing them good 'ol CRWXtian hymns, people. You should be dancing too. Remember - you voted for this administration to keep them damn gays from getting married. That's why Katrina hit NOLA, no?? Because of that gay party down there. And there must be a gay or two living in Galveston, no?? We know for a fact that a few lived in Florida. We've been trying to root 'em out for years now!!

Hmmm... why hasn't Massachusetts sunk into the sea yet?? Why hasn't California been earthquaked out of existence yet?? We're waiting. The mega-churched CRWXtians are waiting. Where's gawd on this anyway??

Now, I don't believe this for one minute, but wouldn't it be a knee-slapper if gawd handed out this destruction in the South BECAUSE the good 'ol boys are raking it in down there? Because the Bush brothers have made a mockery of His Son and His Word and His people? Mayhaps gawd is using all this to finally open up the eyes of the American people so they can see what's REALLY happening in this country so the next time they go to the polls they'll vote for people who DON'T have big business, lobbyists, and CRWXtians in their back pockets, that DON'T underscore hatred and bigotry as being American virtues. (I'm not being party specific here, both sides are guilty of gutting the poor in this country. If you don't believe me, ask the next dirt poor Native American or dirt poor Mexican American or dirt poor Black American you run across.)

So yes, get behind King George! Vote more tax breaks for the rich. Beg China and Saudi Arabia to cover our emergencies with more and more loans so they can call them in when we least expect it. Who cares if foreigners own more of American than Americans can and do?

Bushworld is just soooo damn exciting!! I'm going to wager right now that Americans still have not learned their lesson yet. They are going to vote Republican again - filling Congress, their state government and local governments with the same people that have just focced them over royally, giving them carte blanche to do it again, and again, and again... ohhh it hurts sooooo gooood.

Here's something to dream about for the future: The new bankruptcy law takes effect in October. And the Credit Companies and bank people know it. They're licking their chops and smiling. So don't you DARE complain. Y'all begged 'em to do it to ya, yah know. Just like you're clapping for Judge Roberts right now. You haven't learned anything from Katrina. And you won't from Rita either. But...there's always next year.

Ohh.. by the bi... another reason to party. We're going over 2,000 American deaths in Iraq soon, mayhaps even this month. But then who cares about that. Who even knows if it's true. We won that war a couple years ago didn't we? BinLaden is in jail now, just like Bushie promised, isn't he? Those deaths didn't really happen did they? I mean who saw the caskets, really? They'd have been all over the news if it was so, no? Especially Fox news!! Like they showed us the WMDs. How can anyone ever critize George W. Bush?

He's our PRESIDENT, isn't he??

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