Sunday, September 11, 2005

Wonky For President

I read the post that Wonky wrote in De Profundis. It sometimes takes a person outside the Beltway to point out the absurdities in Washington DC. You have to wonder why the most powerful military in the world has to protect with hundreds of law enforcement people, an event called "The Freedom Walk". Not only will protesters be arrested, in a country that allows its citizens the right to assemble, the media will not be allowed to walk beside the marchers, in a country that encourages a free press. Why is the most powerful military in the world afraid of a few protesters and a couple of reporters?

Our most powerful nation has become a shell of its former greatness, not from attacks by a handful of extremists, but because of a military that has become so huge and dependent on an expensive arsenal of nukes and fancy precision missiles, that it no longer has a ground force capable of safeguarding our own country against natural disasters, let alone securing a country from insurgents in a country that doesn't even have an air force. We have almost become like those third world countries that we despise, holding prisoners without legal status in a limbo of torture and indefinite detention. We lack the manpower to protect our own nation because the forces that are supposed to be protecting our country are fighting a war of choice, a war that we are losing anyway, but continue to fight because we can't admit to the world, or even to ourselves that it was a mistake.

America used to be a generous nation, but we now ridicule our own poor because they don't have jobs and SUV's, because they were not able to save themselves from a category 4 hurricane. They would have had SUVs if they had just studied harder in school. We are so concerned about liberating a country from a dictatorship, that we have sent 140,000 troops and $200 billion to do it. The Iraqis never asked for our help, while our own citizens did.

On this anniversary of the day that America began to implode, there is not even one Democrat suggesting that we are wasting our time and resources in Iraq. There is not one person in a position of leadership who sees the folly of trying to kill a swarm of gnats with a shotgun instead of a flyswatter. The incompetence of our leadership has become glaringly apparent in the last four years, and the only person who has noticed is Wonky.

She should run for office.

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