Sunday, October 23, 2005
The Big LiesMy friend Bruce has done some really good writing on this subject, and as the Plame case draws to a conclusion this week, we have to hope that we're not merely looking at a slap on the wrist for a slip of the tongue of a couple of very highly placed administration officials. Bruce in his piece below has mentioned the connection of some of the Iran-Contra players with the Plame case. What we've never considered possible in this day and age, a true accounting of the lies that led us into the misguided war and occupation of Iraq may actually be in the works. Underneath the outing of Valerie Plame lies a forged document, claiming that Iraq had tried to purchase uranium from Niger. This document enabled Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and the President to sell the country on the grounds for war, the imminent threat, that mushroom cloud that we could not leave unattended. The document was confirmed as a forgery as soon as the United Nations examined it, it was also dismissed by our own CIA, even though George Tenet never insisted that the President take those 16 words out of his State of the Union Speech. We know now that the document was forged, but will we ever know who forged it?It could happen. There is a lot of talk about Cheney's office being under scrutiny, and it's possible that there's a good reason. Cheney's office, in a joint effort with the Office of Special Plans in the Pentagon headed up the effort to sell the war to the public. The Pentagon's job was to find information and intelligence that made the case against Iraq. Cheney's office then took the intel and made it part of the Administration's media offensive to bring public opinion around to supporting the war. There is some speculation that the actual forgery might have come from the US. And the name Michael Leeden more often than not appears with the speculation. The other name that is starting to pop up with more and more frequency is Larry Franklin, the DOD guy that was busted for passing on sensitive information to AIPAC, and Israel. Rumor has it that Larry Franklin has flipped and is now providing Fitzgerald with some pretty interesting stuff. I think that Fitzgerald will be staying in DC much longer than we originally expected, and his investigation will attemp to snag the big lie, and the crime of the century. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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