Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Making the TheocracyI don't know about you, but as much of a sorry arse that George Bush has been as president of these United States, I'd still rather see him run the country than the people who ARE running it in his stead. People like Karl Rove and James Dobson.What if it wasn't George Bush who nominated John Roberts and Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court? What if it was Karl Rove? Would those nominations be legal? Personally, I doubt that Bush has the intelligence to come up with nominations like Roberts and Miers. Oh sure, he knows them personally, deeply even. But I doubt he has the where-with-all to realize the possible quick push through the process that these two candidates possess. Face it, Roberts was a shoe in. Miers will be more of a challenge, but it looks like she will also acquire the necessary backing she needs to make it through the Senate. On the surface, there is little reason for Dem's to fear either nomination. But what if? What if both candidates were selected not by the Bush, but by Karl (I don't give a sh*t about this country as long as we win) Rove? What if the most secretive kingmaker in this administration has cut a deal underscored by his own litmus test given to both candidates before Bush nominated them? What litmus test you ask? A guarantee bordering on a blood oath that they will ALWAYS vote the way CRWXtians would have them vote. Screw the American Constitution, Screw right or wrong. Uphold only the agenda of the so-called Christian right. James Dobson has been soberly quiet on both nominations. But as his fellow right-wingers have been peeved by the selection of Miers, Dobson suddenly felt pressure to speak out in favor of her to mollify those on the right who have come out against her appointment. You've probably heard what Dobson said on his radio program last Thursday but I'll repeat it to jog your memory: "When you know some of the things that I know, that I probably shouldn't know, This has sent a ripple through Congress. Senator Arlen Specter, Repubo chairman of the Judiciary Committee has been quoted as saying: "If Dr. Dobson knows something that he shouldn't know or something I ought Dobson claims to be supportive of Miers due to something he has been told, but which he cannot divulge publicly. He sidesteps naming the source of this information but admits to speaking with Karl Rove concerning the Bush pick before the Miers nomination was announced. If Harriet Miers is confirmed by the Senate to sit on the Supreme Court, we may as well take down the Stars and Stripes and start flying the flag of the Southern Baptist Convention because that will be the end of our democracy and the start of their theocracy. All it will take will be for the American people to do nothing about the flagrant law breaking that Rove continues to foist upon the citizens of this country. And if you Catholics think this will be a good thing, remember that Dobson, Rove, and all the other CRWXtians believe you're going to Hell on a sled when you die; so where will you stand in the grand theocracy they are building? Bush may look like an idiot based on the polls but Rove doesn't give a damn about polls and will continue to lie, cheat, steal and deal to get what he wants for the CRWXtian base that counts on him and back him to the fullest degree. Delay and Frist are pawns, eagerly sacrificed if these people get what they want in the Supreme Court. If Miers passes, it won't be till '08 that this country has to put up with the back stabbing policies of Karl Rove, it will be for the next 20 to 30 years. Kiss Roe v. Wade good-bye. Kiss gay marriage goodbye. Kiss life without religious persecution good-bye. It will take 50 to 100 years for America to recover from the damage that Karl Rove will have single-handedly imposed on this nation. Not bad for a man never elected to hold any office in this country. Y'all started this. Y'all can stop it. But if you don't do it NOW..., well, you're running out of time I fear. Voting the Repubos out of office is easy. Removing a law breaking, puppet, clueless president prone to lie to get his way isn't that difficult. Removing someone from the Supreme Court is almost impossible. It's your children and their children who will suffer the most. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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