Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Here's The IssueAfter my “Choosing Liberalism” post last week, Tankwoman picked up the ball and ran it several more yards down the field with her own post: "Choose Courage and Morality." While I urged liberals to distill their vision to a manageable number of issues, Tanker was all about just one: Bush’s war. I could not agree with her more heartily.Political pundits often castigate “single-issue voters.” People who think they can see the bigger picture of the complicated array of issues facing twenty-first century American citizens, seem to believe it is the ultimate laziness, or stupidity, or dereliction of duty, to pick one issue, and vote your conscience on the basis of that issue alone. I used to have little patience with the tunnel-vision types myself. Until the last election. When I became one. This is what I wrote on the subject in October 2004, in the waning days of the last presidential election campaign: “Domestic policy, fiscal policy, stance on Medicare, tax and spend, spend and spend…in the long run, there is little difference between the parties on these issues. I’m of the opinion that the economy does NOT live or die by which party occupies the White House. Spin these issues all you want. They REALLY make no difference. The Iraq War WAS the issue then. It IS the issue now. Except it’s sixteen months, 1310 American souls, and untold thousands of Iraqi lives more the issue now than then. We have made a hideous mess of Iraq. And there are as many theories about what we should do about it as there are butts in seats in the House and Senate chambers. But, in my book, the first thing we have to do is own up. Someone has to stand up, in front of his/her fellow Americans and the nations of the world, and roundly condemn this war for the gross miscarriage of justice and global relations that it was and continues to be. That person—that courageous, moral person—will be the one who deserves our commitment, our allegiance, and our votes in 2008. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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