Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ye-aoow-ing at the one-person Republican freak show

I mentioned in the comments the other day that Jane Hamsher of FireDogLake was being pretty "catty" about Ana Marie Cox, aka, Wonkette. Though not without reason.

Here are a couple of guys being catty about the Republicans' favorite whackjob dominatrix, Mad Annie Coulter. First up, Gene Lyons:

In TV interviews, Coulter called the [9/11] widows [aka, the Jersey Girls] “harpies” and “witches,” saying we don’t know their husbands weren’t preparing to dump them and that they’d better pose for Playboy before they’re too old. Of course we also can’t be sure that the never-married Coulter - a 45-year-old smoker and boozer who's aging badly - doesn’t wear swastikas on her underwear.

Anyway, here’s my question: Is there a man alive, given a choice between dinner with Kristen Breitweiser or Ann Coulter, who would choose Coulter?

Coulter of the fixed, demented glare, the insatiable need for attention, and the strident air of superiority? Coulter, who shows up before 8 a. m. on the “Today” show wearing a skimpy cocktail dress to enhance her increasingly pathetic seductiveness? If such a man exists, he definitely needs professional help.
Lyons' co-author on The Hunting of the President, Joe Conason, also weighed in on Mad Annie.

He writes:

With the predictable regularity of a locust plague, Ann Coulter and her enablers at the once-reputable firm of Random House have issued yet another volume of fascistic entertainment. Now the hard-drinking, trash-talking, fortysomething bachelorette bills herself as a Christian moralist, in holy battle against the liberal heathens.

That whiff of brimstone in the air may only be the match she is striking for her next cigarette.

But her version of "Christianity" turns out to be a strangely modern and convenient faith, which encourages heaping scorn on bereaved widows, bearing false witness against them on television and publicly gloating over the ill-gotten profits thus attained. Leaving behind the golden rule of the Gospels to "do unto others as you would have them do to you," she embodies a new rule of gold: You can never be too rich, too thin or too vicious.
The real point of Conason's piece is to point out that those two great bipartisans statesment, Joe Lieberman and the marvelous Maverick McCain, found the help of the Jersey Girls essential to getting the 9/11 Commission authorized. Yet both have been noticeably silent about their being slimed by Mad Annie and her enablers:

But that was then, and this is now - and these two pious politicians remain silent in the face of a malevolent attack visited on their erstwhile friends. Both men know that it is a lie to call these women partisans or profiteers. Both know that these women - and the families they helped to lead - brought honor and purpose to a legislative process that is often petty and corrupt.

Shame on the silent Senators. And please, let's hear no more from either of them for a while about tolerance, respect and decency.
Mad Annie Coulter: does it get much weirder than her? Or any more disgusting?

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