Friday, July 07, 2006
Ann Coulter is bad for ChildrenAnn Coulter has pissed off enough people, that you can't be surprised if someone wants to take her down. It's an interesting phenomenon in modern media, that a person can go on national television and utter offensive and stupid remarks and get paid for it, I'm not sure what that says about the state of our nation, but it is reality. Manners and etiquette seem to have disappeared from the national stage, and while we don't really want to go back to the fifties and all of the yessirs, and those stupid Mary Tyler Moore hairdoos, is it too much to ask some of the networks to use that bleep button when Ann says something stupid? After all, children are watching, and what might they think of someone advocating the nuking of another country? I'm not only a grown-up, but I'm Tankwoman, and the shit that Ann Coulter says scares me.If I had kids, I would become annoyed at them if they tried to read one of her columns. I would most likely take the newspaper and throw it directly into the trash bin. That would probably make the kids more curious about the hateful content, and they would most likely sneak the offensive journal out of the garbage and read it when I wasn't looking. It's hard enough to try and set an example for children, we are all so human, it must be nearly impossible to refrain from using the F-word when your kid spills fruit punch on the new white carpet. And the words we never use because we are good liberals, words like fag and dyke and the N word, our kids learn in second grade from the other kids on the playground. Luckily, in second grade, they don't understand what racial slurs mean, but when they get a little bit older, and begin watching the news, what will they think when they hear Ann Coulter suggesting that we imprison all of the illegal aliens, and put them to forced labor building a wall to keep others like them out of our lily-white country? I'm a prudish ex-Catholic, but I'd let my kids watch porn before I'd let them watch Ann Coulter. Anyway, if you hate Ann Coulter, and you have this uncontrollable urge to just haul off and bitch slap her, you're going to have to stand in a very long line. TPM Muckraker has got the plagiarism story going full throttle.And maybe the best way to get newspapers to stop printing her poison that is harmful for our children is to get the plagiarism charges to stick. I don't believe in censorship, but I believe that media outlets should think about just publishing any old hate-mongering trash just because people will buy it. People will buy crack cocaine and heroin, but we don't sell it because it is harmful to children, and our society in general. Why do newspapers think that it's okay to sell hatred? I never had to raise children, but I'll tell ya, if you don't raise yours right, I'm going to be that mean old lady who lives on the corner. I'll be waiting for them with my pump-action bebe gun and if I hear them use the N-word, or quote Ann Coulter, I'm going to scare the living bigot out of them. You'll thank me when they're sixteen. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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