Saturday, July 22, 2006
Lebanon, Palestine, and the Terrorist ZionistsCould there possibly be a group of more ignorant people than right here in the United States of America? Is there? I talk to people from all around the world and they almost always have a good grasp of what's going on in the world. But the level of discourse in this country is embarrassing. It's the Left just as much as the Right. It's across the board. Nowhere is this more evident than the discussions about Lebanon, Palestine, and the terrorist Zionist state of Israel.Again and again I keep hearing about how "Israel has every right to defend itself" as if that were even in question. How long are you going to allow "your betters" to dictate what the parameters for discussion are? Why are certain key facts left out of the discussion? Such as: Arrangements for prisoner exchanges between Arab governments and Israel date back to 1948. Why does the liberal mainstream media always present Israel as the victim of Arab aggression when the reality is completely the opposite? Do you think Hizbollah just got a wild hair up their ass and decided kidnapping an Israeli soldier would be fun? Did you even know that there have been three prisoner exchanges between Hizbollah and Israel? Did you know that Israel has thousands of political prisoners whom they have kept incarcerated without charging them with a crime or giving them any legal recourse? Even better. What exactly would you do if faced with one of the most powerful rogue nations in the world who--because of their diplomatic ties to the U.S.--have complete and total immunity from international law? You can't bring anything before the Security Council. There is no 'legal recourse' for the outlaw Zionist regime. You do what works. You do what has worked since 1948 and you get something worth trading for because Israel doesn't care about justice or diplomacy. And while the idiots on the Right and Left moan about Iran supplying weapons to Hizbollah, where is the outrage when our tax dollars are spent to support Zionist oppression in Palestine? Where is the outrage when our tax dollars are spent to provide a bulldozer that will help bulldoze a Palestinian home with people in it? Where is the outrage when U.S. built helicopters are used to attack hospitals, power plants and other heavily populated areas in direct violation of international law? Where is the outrage when Israel massacres innocent men, women and children? Before you even try giving me this "Israel is the victim" crap, please know something about the situation. Explain to me how a nation with a military more advanced than any NATO member other than the United States, a nation with a nuclear arsenal in the hundreds, a nation that openly utilizes chemical and biological weapons could possibly be the victim in all of this. How can you defend the barbaric massacre of hundreds and thousands of men, women, and children in response to the capture of one or two soldiers? Where is your sense of justice? Every single person reading this has access to the world wide web. There is no reason for such ignorant comments on this topic. There is no reason why you shouldn't know what's going on. But what drives me crazy is you not only are too lazy to inform yourself about what's going on, but then you have the audacity to form an opinion completely based on ignorance and whatever propaganda the MSM has spoon-fed you through your idiot-box. One last thing. Simply because I label the state of Israel as a terrorist Zionist state does not mean I wish for it to be eradicated. I do, however, wish that Israel would hold itself up to international law, obey the overwhelming international consensus on the Israeli-Palestine issue, and cease fire on Lebanon and pursue a diplomatic means of settlement. If you don't know that Israel is one of the leading terrorist states in the world, how do you define terrorism? This is an urgent matter and the people of Lebanon and Palestine need you to inform yourself, organize, and agitate for change. ANSWER and other peace groups across the country are mobilizing. Get off your ass and get out into the streets. This is not a "complex issue." But it is one the United States could solve. Join us and let's build a better tomorrow. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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