Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Is It An anatomical Problem?Do Democrats really lack a spine? Is that the problem here? Are we really to believe that the second most powerful political party in the most powerful nation on the planet somehow have their tails between their legs? Somehow they are too scared to do what their constituents want them to do. Do you believe that?There is nothing wrong with the anatomy of our Democratic friends. They supported the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Remember, the U.S. policy of regime change in Iraq was announced under the Clinton Administration. It was good ol' Bill Clinton who sold the American people NAFTA. The Democrats don't miss a beat when it serves their class interest. Let's not forget that it was hundreds of Democrats who basically applauded the Israeli assault against Lebanon in a bi-partisan resolution to back Israel. Democrats have no problem standing up against public pressure and selling us the lie that Social Security is broken. Democrats have no problem using the same deceitful language used by the Republicans, where reform means to abolish or destroy rather than fix and improve. Why is this? If it's not an anatomical problem, what is it? Why are the democrats so reluctant to champion the ideas of the people? Why are they so lack luster in their support for unions, universal health care, and standing up to the imperialist war-mongers? The Democratic Party is a ruling class party. As such it shares much in common with the other faction of the ruling class party: The Republican Party. They both believe in the war for empire, otherwise known as the Global War on Terror. They both believe in the unilateral use of force against all perceived enemies. John Kerry, you'll remember, wouldn't have just invaded Iraq like George Bush did; he would have used a lot more troops to do it! The problem for democrats isn't anatomical. They are not afraid of Republicans. As a ruling class party they have too much in common with the Republicans to offer any real alternatives. The leadership of the Democratic Party believe in U.S. imperialism and the global capitalist system that we have built up over the last 50 or so years. Unfortunately, the problems we face--global warming, growing unrest in the world, growing levels of poverty--are also a result of this edifice we have created. In short, this is what both factions of the ruling class want. Where they disagree is over how to carry out their plans of global dominance. Key to understanding this is asking the right questions. But once we begin to understand that there is no hope in the Democratic Party, we can begin to organize and fight like hell for real change. But we must come to the realization that while we do have wonderful democratic forms, there is no substance behind them. Democracy has to be more than just elections. There has to be real democratic results. That means that when the public overwhelming supports Universal Healthcare or other progressive measures that our elected representatives might actually take heed. Instead we are ignored. Drop the Democratic Party and let's pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and begin to undertake the hard work of organizing, educating, and taking direct action toward real change. The fascist and reactionary movements are underway in this country and our only hope is to counter them with real progressive and revolutionary movements of our own. That is, we can't just criticize the Dems and Repubs but must begin to offer real and lasting alternatives to this corrupt system. | +Save/Share | | |
No subject for immortal verse That we who lived by honest dreams Defend the bad against the worse." -- Cecil Day-Lewis from Where Are The War Poets?
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