Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Great Bush Legacy

Try as I might not, I was thinking about George Bush the other day and all the truly wonderous things this Administration has done for America during his reign. I won't go into Iraq and the close to 2,000 American dead and well over 10,000 American injured. Bush wouldn't want me to. In fact, I was thinking about how he's come to a conclusion concerning our war victims - he ignores them so they'll go away. What a wondrous way for our duly elected War President to honor those who paid the extreme sacrifice for their country.

Of course the rest of the country has not been asked to sacrifice anything. Well, not if you happen to reside in the upper middle class or economic strata above it. Those below that line have sacrificed their jobs, their income, their healthcare, their way of life, their children's education, and their...oh the hell with it. Why beat a dead horse? We shouldn't gripe, should we? After all, isn't King George giving us exactly what he said he would? You know, a healthy economy for all Americans, a free and independent Iraq who's people all love us as their saviors, higher employment and higher wages due to his outsourcing policies, a better more ambitious social security plan, a safer country by taking away more of our freedoms by stiffening the Patriot Act, not to mention the wondrous environmental changes his policies have burdened us with? Aren't you just happy dancing around your house that King George got reelected??

Me neither.

But you have to love the way Bush and his Repubo dominated congress go about solving the problems here in our country, no? I mean look at his most recent accomplishment. With gasoline prices pushing $3.00 a gallon Mr. Bush and Congress have given us the new Energy Bill, which does what? Takes away the taxes on gas so that Americans will pay less at the pump? Hell no. That wouldn't accomplish anything. Rather than helping the working stiff, Bush and pals cut the taxes big oil companies pay. There you go - problem solved!! This president has proved that stuffing more money into the pockets of the filthy rich is always the way to solve economic problems in America. Gawd, let's finally make those tax cuts permanent so we can all breath easier and enjoy life to its fullest!!

Oh, and in case you sneezed and missed it, Congress (read Republicans) recently passed a new law extending daylight savings time an extra four weeks in an effort to cut crime, automobile fatalities and energy consumption. Of course, since it will still be pitch black in places like Boise and Grand Rapids, you'll have to keep the lights out until the sun comes up around 8:30 am or so to actually save any money. As for crime. We know it happens more during the daylight hours than when it's dark, don't we?

In Arizona, we don't touch our clocks. We're on standard 24/364(5). You know what? I don't think the rest of the nation has saved anything. But I digress.

There is one other great accomplishment that the Bush has given us. He's successfully siced his huge CRWXtian dawg upon a small percentage of Americans in order to ensure they NEVER have the same equal rights as the majority. Aren't we all just so much safer for that!! Gawd!! Marriage is forever safe from them fudge packing, bush lapping perverts. Forget the fact that more heterosexual Americans participate in anal and oral sex than the whole total number of gays in the population of these here United States. It's okay for them. They're real people. Loved by God. Not faggoty preverts like them others who shouldn't have ANY rights in this country. Nosireeeebob. They're probably in cahoots with the terrorists!! Thank Gawd abstinence and intelligent choice will be taught in our schools soon.

Yeeesir!! King George has certainly turned it around in this country. We should overturn the Roosevelt rule so we can reelect him again and again!!

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